ladybirdweb / faveo-helpdesk

Faveo Open source ticketing system build on Laravel framework

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Database installation Loading issue

azhab98 opened this issue · comments

  • Faveo Version : #.#.#
  • PHP version : 8.0
  • Database Driver & Version : MYSql
  • Server specification : Windows 12


While installing, database is connected successfully but its loading to migrating the tables in databases.

Steps To Reproduce:

Dont know what to do

Downloaded from

  • master-branch

  • development-branch

  • release-tag

Can you try the installation on PHP 8.1 and see if this issue still occurs?

yes tried still its coming like this

  • Use Faveo Helpdesk Community v2.0.1
  • Check error logs
  • Check database user has all permission enabled
  • Check database version, My SQL 8 or MariaDB 10.6.x is being used

Follow installation guide listed here

Yeah checked all. But still it occurs!

Any suggestion?

Please can you delete .env and all tables from DB and then run the composer dump-autoload and php artisan optimize:clear
After that try to install it.

Note:- plz may know which MySQL version you have.

done all.. still error occurs..
using MariaDB 10.6

Download freelancer version from here

Check if you are facing issue with this also. If you face issue with the above product also, below could be what you need to fix

  • So far what it looks like, Faveo is unable to write to database
  • Faveo works on Innodb engine, not sure if the problem is here
  • Some database permission issue, your db user doesn't have all the permission

for freelancer verion this error is coming

Fatal error: The file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\faveo-helpdesk-2.0.1\public\index.php encoded as type [1/72] cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader. in Unknown on line 0

for freelancer verion this error is coming

Fatal error: The file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\faveo-helpdesk-2.0.1\public\index.php encoded as type [1/72] cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader. in Unknown on line 0

Please enable ioncube loader extension in the php. The ioncube version should support PHP 8.1

still same problem is coming for both!

Please share exact environment details where you are installing Faveo

Please may know while creating a database what you selected MySQL or MariaDB.

Now Im installing in apache server, like this coming

this error also

Now all issue cleared. Thankyou for all!