labstreaminglayer / liblsl-Matlab

Matlab bindings for liblsl

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How to view the marker stream output

balandongiv opened this issue · comments


Dear All
I have followed the tutorial deligently. However, I'm unable to view the marker stream output. While the tutorial 2 showed how to open the output, but it require external software. May I know how to open the output, maybe by using only a few line.

Thanks in advance
Software: MATLAB.

Any of the APIs have example programs/scripts that can receive and print string markers (e.g.

There is also a little-known viewer available on the SCCN ftp called streamviewer. It is part of the 'mobi_utils' package:


Thanks for the quick reply @dmedine .
The link you provide is for Python. Appreciate if you can direct to MATLAB base example.

@balandongiv the Matlab examples are in this repository in the folder called "examples".


Thanks for link @cboulay.
I still try to understand how everything work.

Say we are able to push the marker as below, (from the tutorial)

outlet.push_sample({mrk}); % note that the string is wrapped into a cell-array

Next, to extract the marker.
How to setup the outlet to view the marker as per example depicted in the this tutorial.

For example, where to position the handle outlet in the line below

while isempty(result)
    result = lsl_resolve_byprop(lib,'type','Markers'); end

I can understand both the example ReceiveStringMarkers and SendStringMarkers, but unable to digest when both of them work together. Specifically, once we sent the marker, then how to extract it later.