labstreaminglayer / App-LabRecorder

An application for streaming one or more LSL streams to disk in XDF file format.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bug in filename

cboulay opened this issue · comments

From a user in Slack:

I would like to set up the Labrecorder to store recordings to C:\Recordings\exp_%p_%b.xdf (running Windows 10 OS)
When i set the storageLocation in the config File to:
the result is that LabRecorder simply ignores the Recordings Subfolder and saves the File directly to C:
The only way to get it to save to the correct Folder is to add a (nonexistent) subfolder to the Storage Location:
Now it again ignores the last subfolder before the FIleName and saves to the intended Location.
I don't think this is the intended behaviour. Am i doing something wrong?

I haven't investigated yet, but it's either in parsing the storage location somewhere around here or buildFilename or when starting recording here.

The bug was that the StorageLocation path-part first went through a Path() op then another AbsolutePath()... and (I think) each one trims off the end and gives the parent. So this resulted in parent-of-parent. In the fix, the first Path() was removed and only one call to AbsolutePath() is kept.