labs42io / web-automation

BDD tests with Cucumber, WebdriverIO and Docker Selenium

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ratnose opened this issue · comments

Hard to write a title for this.
So I installed web-automation last Friday all was working perfectly then.
I thought I would run the tests again this morning.
First off it is this error that I have no clue why it appears with multiple step definitions appearing from nowhere.
Then I had an idea that it was the docker containers that were missing so I restarted them and ran the tests again then this was the error I got:
[0-0] 2020-03-16T08:48:25.354Z ERROR webdriver: Request failed due to unknown error: Error forwarding the new session Empty pool of VM for setup Capabilities {browserName: chrome, cjson:metadata: {device: 3.141.59-zirconium}, goog:chromeOptions: {args: [--no-sandbox, --headless, --disable-gpu]}}

To get it to work I need to reinstall everything. Or so I thought.
I tried to remove the web-automation directory and cloning it again, and running all the npm stuff. Still the same error as the one above.

If you see above error, try running npm run selenium:stop it will remove the docker containers and associated volumes so that when you start again, it will use new containers.

It could also happen due to busy ports, see maybe this related selenium issue.

I had to remove the repo, manually uninstall all the npm packages, restart my computer - to get it to work.
(psst have you seen a mail from me?)