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BDD tests with Cucumber, WebdriverIO and Docker Selenium

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After a few runs the app 'crashes'...

ratnose opened this issue · comments

I am adding features to my feature files, after lets say 5 runs of npm run test, I get a lot of errors:
Multiple step definitions match:
/^I open the (url|site) "([^"]*)?"$/ - src/steps/given 3.ts:23

They all contain "Multiple step definitions match" the only way I have managed to get rid of them is to re-clone the repo and start from the beginning.

In the steps directory there are multiple steps files.
given 3.ts

That happens because probably you copy/pasted some of the files from src/steps (src/steps/given 3.ts I guess is copied from src/steps/given.ts). All *.ts files inside src/steps are loaded automatically.

Thing is I haven't. I don't touch the steps files at all.
Strange thing also was that an old feature-file I deleted came back as well.
All I did was a pull to update to get the iframe adding and it was not from my fork.

You mentioned src/steps/given 3.ts which is not in this repository. There are no scripts/tasks that could copy or generate them.