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BDD tests with Cucumber, WebdriverIO and Docker Selenium

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Help: executing tests on windows

starostin13 opened this issue · comments

Hi guys,
Have I chance to execute tests without docker? Directly on my PC? Or I should create a docker image for that? Sry about had to create issue for dump question.

Hi @starostin13 ,

You need docker installed on your computer to be able to run tests. But there is no need to create docker images.
Please see the quick start section.

Hi @dimadeveatii
I mean execute on windows chrome/firefox not on linux chrome/firefox

I mean execute on windows chrome/firefox not on linux chrome/firefox

Currently it uses docker selenium images for running chrome and firefox, those are based on docker linux images.
But why would you want to run tests against windows chrome/firefox? The only reason for doing that is in case of some browser OS specific functionality or issue.
And note that you don't need firefox or chrome installed locally.