labs42io / circleci-monorepo

An example of monorepo with CircleCI using conditional workflows and pipeline parameters.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot index string with string "status"

FraserPol opened this issue · comments

Attempting to use the example repo and get the following error;

+ ROOT=./packages
++ curl -Ss -u : ''
++ jq -r 'map(select(.status == "success") | select(.workflows.workflow_name != "ci")) | .[0]["vcs_revision"]'
jq: error (at <stdin>:2): Cannot index string with string "status"

Could you try to request directly in the browser the LAST_COMPLETED_BUILD_URL (attach as a query param &circle-token=<your-token>) and output the result json? Might be that you specified a wrong key or have insuficient permissions.

I ran into the same error message. Basically the CIRCLE_TOKEN was not set and therefore the call was not authorized....

There should be a guard early in the script to validate that CIRCLE_TOKEN is set. This issue is 'closed' which makes it even harder to find on the repo and is a blocker for getting started.

Still getting the same issue after validating that the CIRCLE_TOKEN is set.

Just so that people in the future are looking at this the CIRCLE_TOKEN refers to the personal API key in CircleCi