lablab-ai / Whisper-transcription_and_diarization-speaker-identification-

How to use OpenAIs Whisper to transcribe and diarize audio files

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dbtreasure opened this issue · comments

Anyone know what spacermilli should be in this block? It's not defined:

for l in dz:
  start, end =  tuple(re.findall('[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\.[0-9]+', string=l))
  start = millisec(start) - spacermilli
  end = millisec(end)  - spacermilli
  lex = not re.findall('SPEAKER_01', string=l)
  dzList.append([start, end, lex])

@dbtreasure hey, thanks for your question.

spacermili is just a variable defined in this cell:

audio = AudioSegment.from_wav("lecun1.wav")
spacermilli = 2000
spacer = AudioSegment.silent(duration=spacermilli)
audio = spacer.append(audio, crossfade=0)

audio.export('audio.wav', format='wav')

Here is the full notebook for reference: