labd / wagtail-2fa

2 Factor Authentication for Wagtail

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Reverse error on form template with fresh installation

lucasmoeskops opened this issue · comments

The view /admin/devices/new gives a Reverse error on loading:
Reverse for 'wagtail_2fa_device_list' with no arguments not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['admin/2fa/devices/(?P<user_id>\d+)$']

It seems this commit has introduced this:

An argument was added to wagtail_2fa_device_list, but not added to the url templatetag in /templates/wagtail_2fa/device_form.html.

This pull request was already made I see but not merged, and will probably fix the issue:

Thanks for reporting this! It is indeed fixed by #28, which has just been merged.