kyunghyuncho / rl-pong

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository demonstrates an actor-critic algoithm implemented using function approximation from scratch. The critic approximates the value function using a deep neural network (either ff or conv) and is trained using a SARSA update. The actor looks exactly like the critic except that the output is a categorical distribution over the action space, and is trained using REINFORCE with a baseline provided by the critic. Both the critic and actors are trained in an off-policy manner using importance sampling with the importance weight capped at 1 (similarly to Retrace(\lambda) with \lambda=1). Critic-aware leaning is used for the actor ( The negative entropy of the actor's output is penalized with a small coefficient.

There are a few bells and whistles implemented, but not all of them seems to be useful anyway. I'll list them here with brief descriptions:

  • -player-coeff: this should be used. this minimizes the KL divergence between the previous policy and the new policy. <= necessary
  • -iw: this should be used. without this flag, it will not correct the gradient with the importance weights. <= necessary
  • -critic-aware: this should be used. probably not necessary, but it seems to help at least from experiences. <= necessary
  • -update-every: it accumulates the gradients over this many forward-backwad procedures. <= necessary with memory limitation
  • -n-value, -n-policy: the number of updates taken per iteration. i thought of this as a quantity similar to an epoch in supervised learning. <= robust
  • -n-simulators, -n-cores: it collects episodes from multiple processes, and each process runs on n-cores many cpu cores. <= depends on the resource
  • -priority-ratio: a portion of the experience replay buffer can be reserved for highly rewarding tuples (i.e., tuples with high return.) <= not necessary
  • -store-ratio: if your buffer size is small, you may not want to store all the tuples from a new experiences, as it will decrease the diversity of the tuples and make them correlated heavily. use this to store only a small portion. <= not necessary

what needs to be implemented is to let the simulator pushes tuples in the middle of the episode without having to wait until it's terminated.


feedforward policy

4 frame python -buffer-size 100 -init-collect 1 -n-frames 4 -env Pong-v0 -batch-size 1024 -update-every 1 -n-hid 128 -n-value 50 -n-policy 50 -n-iter 5000 -nn ff -n-simulators 5 -device cuda -priority-ratio 0. -store-ratio 1. -deterministic-ratio 0. -ent-coeff 0. -ent-factor 0. -optimizer-value Adam -optimizer-player Adam -iw -critic-aware -lr 0.0001 -lr-factor 0.001 -player-coeff .5 -collect-interval 10 ./models/pong-ff-4fr-test

convolutional policy

4 frame

python -buffer-size 100 -init-collect 1 -n-frames 4 -env Pong-v0 -batch-size 1024 -update-every 1 -n-hid 128 -n-value 50 -n-policy 50 -n-iter 5000 -nn conv -n-simulators 5 -device cuda -priority-ratio 0. -store-ratio 1. -deterministic-ratio 0. -ent-coeff 0. -ent-factor 0. -optimizer-value Adam -optimizer-player Adam -iw -critic-aware -lr 0.0001 -lr-factor 0.001 -player-coeff .5 -collect-interval 10 -resize 48,48 ./models/pong-conv-4fr-test

playing with the policy

python ./ -max-len 100000 -n-frames 4 -device cpu ./models/


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 91.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 8.3%