kyleneideck / BackgroundMusic

Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.

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Cannot uninstall using brew on macOS 14.4

musse opened this issue · comments

Description of the bug
Cannot uninstall after install with brew on macOS 14.4:

brew uninstall background-music
==> Uninstalling Cask background-music
==> Removing launchctl service com.bearisdriving.BGM.XPCHelper
==> Uninstalling packages with sudo; the password may be necessary:
==> Removing files:
/Library/Application Support/Background Music
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Background Music Device.driver
Could not kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted
Error: Failure while executing; `/usr/bin/sudo -E -- /bin/launchctl kickstart -kp system/` exited with 1. Here's the output:
Could not kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted

To improve security and stability, using launchctl kickstart -k is no longer permitted for critical system processes. If a process must be forcefully terminated, it is recommended to use kill instead. (123028502)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install with brew;
  2. Try to uninstall with brew.


Please complete the following information.

  • Background Music: 0.4.0
  • macOS: Sonoma 14.4

I see the PR to fix this in homebrew-cask is merged, but doing brew update does not seem to fix this issue, is anything else necessary?

@DamianPereira Even after the homebrew-cask fix was merged, there was a "cached" copy of the background-music.rb file (I don't remember the exact path), I had to manually edit it to match the fixed file to be able to uninstall it.

Thank you! I'll check it out.

Similar issue, also happening with ExistentialAudio/BlackHole

$ brew uninstall -f background-music
==> Uninstalling Cask background-music
==> Removing launchctl service com.bearisdriving.BGM.XPCHelper
==> Uninstalling packages with sudo; the password may be necessary:
==> Removing files:
/Library/Application Support/Background Music
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Background Music Device.driver
Could not kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted
Error: Failure while executing; `/usr/bin/sudo -E -- /bin/launchctl kickstart -kp system/` exited with 1. Here's the output:
Could not kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted

$ brew info background-music
==> background-music: 0.4.0
/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/background-music/0.4.0 (895KB)
==> Name
Background Music
==> Description
Audio utility
==> Artifacts
BackgroundMusic-0.4.0.pkg (Pkg)
==> Analytics
install: 2,133 (30 days), 7,116 (90 days), 23,090 (365 days)

ok manually editing /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/background-music/.metadata/0.4.0/20231226055056.585/Casks/background-music.rb with the patch did let me uninstall

ok manually editing /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/background-music/.metadata/0.4.0/20231226055056.585/Casks/background-music.rb with the patch did let me uninstall

Can you help me with this? What exactly do I need to edit in this file? I'm just trying to update but that's not possible when I cannot uninstall

@lead0r Is this what you're looking for?

Yes, thank you, that worked!

Can anyone please say how they managed to fix this issue? This is the formula on my Mac that is causing the problem:

cask "background-music" do
  version "0.4.3"
  sha256 "c1c48a37c83af44ce50bee68879856c96b2f6c97360ce461b1c7d653515be7fd"

  url "{version}/BackgroundMusic-#{version}.pkg"
  name "Background Music"
  desc "Audio utility"
  homepage ""

  livecheck do
    url :url
    strategy :github_latest

  pkg "BackgroundMusic-#{version}.pkg"

  uninstall_postflight do
    system_command "/usr/bin/killall",
                   args:         ["coreaudiod"],
                   sudo:         true,
                   must_succeed: true

  uninstall launchctl: "com.bearisdriving.BGM.XPCHelper",
            quit:      "com.bearisdriving.BGM.App",
            pkgutil:   "com.bearisdriving.BGM",
            delete:    [
              "/Library/Application Support/Background Music",
              "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Background Music Device.driver",

  zap trash: [

I tried editing it to remove the lines @kyleneideck linked, but then the hash changes and brew won't use it.

Edit: GPT-4 helped! I followed suggestion #2 and it got rid of this app once and for all.


Thanks, followed suggestions by #727 (comment) and #727 (comment) worked.

Thanks, followed suggestions by #727 (comment) and #727 (comment) worked.

Same here. Great find!

A potentially easier solution is to remove the file from the Caskroom and then reinstall it.
This will cause Brew to use the most up-to-date uninstall stanza, instead of the one that was present when the installed version was installed.

Silicon Mac
rm -rfi /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/background-music/

Intel Mac
rm -rfi /usr/local/Caskroom/background-music/

Then reinstall
brew reinstall background-music