kylemcdonald / ofxCv

Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.

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Helpers.h fails to build without std:: namespace

chuckleplant opened this issue · comments

float weightedAverageAngle(const vector<cv::Vec4i>& lines);

I'm on windows, visual studio 2015. This line may be missing std::vector?

I'm not tracking this repo just using source, hope this helps if it's an actual issue. These are the changes I had to make to fix my build:

--------------- addons/ofxCv/libs/ofxCv/include/ofxCv/Helpers.h ---------------
index 53e6355..a1d837d 100644
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ namespace ofxCv {
 		box.x = findFirst(colMat, 255);
 		box.width = findLast(colMat, 255);
 		box.width -= box.x;
-	float weightedAverageAngle(const vector<cv::Vec4i>& lines);
+	float weightedAverageAngle(const std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& lines);
 	// (nearest point) to the two given lines
 	template <class T>
 	cv::Point3_<T> intersectLineLine(cv::Point3_<T> lineStart1, cv::Point3_<T> lineEnd1, cv::Point3_<T> lineStart2, cv::Point3_<T> lineEnd2) {
 		cv::Point3_<T> v1(lineEnd1 - lineStart1), v2(lineEnd2 - lineStart2);
@@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ namespace ofxCv {
 		for(int i=0;i<n;i++){int j=q[i];if(!p[j+ic2]&&!p[j+ic1]&&!p[j+ib1]&&p[j+ia2]&&p[j+ib3]){p[j]=0;}}
 		for(int i=0;i<n;i++){int j=q[i];if(!p[j+ib1]&&!p[j+ia1]&&!p[j+ia2]&&p[j+ic2]&&p[j+ib3]){p[j]=0;}}
 	// given a vector of lines, this function will find the average angle
-	float weightedAverageAngle(const vector<cv::Vec4i>& lines);
+	float weightedAverageAngle(const std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& lines);
 	// finds the average angle of hough lines, unrotates by that amount and
 	// returns the average rotation. you can supply your own thresholded image
 	// for hough lines, or let it run canny detection for you.
 	template <class S, class T, class D>

------------- addons/ofxCv/libs/ofxCv/include/ofxCv/ObjectFinder.h -------------
index db2733b..1c43701 100644
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
 namespace ofxCv {
 	class ObjectFinder {
-		void setup(string cascadeFilename);
+		void setup(std::string cascadeFilename);
 		template <class T> 
 		void update(T& img) {
 		void update(cv::Mat img);

--------------- addons/ofxCv/libs/ofxCv/include/ofxCv/Tracker.h ---------------
index b1ce13b..ca293ff 100644
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ namespace ofxCv {
 	template <class T>
 	class Tracker {
-		vector<TrackedObject<T> > previous, current;
-		vector<unsigned int> currentLabels, previousLabels, newLabels, deadLabels;
+		std::vector<TrackedObject<T> > previous, current;
+		std::vector<unsigned int> currentLabels, previousLabels, newLabels, deadLabels;
 		std::map<unsigned int, TrackedObject<T>*> previousLabelMap, currentLabelMap;
 		unsigned int persistence, curLabel;
 		float maximumDistance;
 		unsigned int getNewLabel() {
@@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ namespace ofxCv {
 	const std::vector<unsigned int>& Tracker<T>::getNewLabels() const {
 		return newLabels;
 	template <class T>
-	const vector<unsigned int>& Tracker<T>::getDeadLabels() const {
+	const std::vector<unsigned int>& Tracker<T>::getDeadLabels() const {
 		return deadLabels;
 	template <class T>
 	unsigned int Tracker<T>::getLabelFromIndex(unsigned int i) const {

i think this should be fixed now.