kylemcdonald / ofxCv

Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.

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Loading from YAML file always fails

anselanza opened this issue · comments

I have used the example-calibration app as is, caibrated my camera and it saves bin/data/calibration.yml as expected.

But when I try to load this same data (simply using calibration.load(calibration.yml) then I get the following at runtime:

OpenCV Error: Null pointer (Null pointer to reader or destination array) in cvReadRawDataSlice, file /home/stephen/Downloads/opencv/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp, line 3230
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
  what():  /home/stephen/Downloads/opencv/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp:3230: error: (-27) Null pointer to reader or destination array in function cvReadRawDataSlice

It seems that the YAML is valid, but something is up with the calibration file that was generated by the same app... How is that even possible?

Eek, seems to be a duplicate of #175 which has been fixed, but Pull Request never approved :(

i think this should be fixed now.

Thanks for following up!