kylemcdonald / ofxCv

Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.

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setLearningTime() in RunningBackground.cpp

stephanschulz opened this issue · comments

I was hoping someone could shine some light on setLearningTime()

  • i taking an initial background reference

  • the threshold image is all black (that's good)

  • then people enter the room and cause white blobs in the threshold image (that's good)

  • if they stay there too long and walk out they leave white white blobs behind (makes sense because they became part of the background and now create a new disturbance)

  • BUT this new white blob takes much longer to disappear. longer than it took to learn it in the first place.

  • if a person was present for 15 min and became part of the background, it should also only take a maximum of 15 min for the left-behind white blob to disappear. right?

  • In an attempt to temporally disable learning i set the learning time to 5000x30. But still it learns in less than 5000x30 = 150,000 seconds. (but un-learning take longer. not sure how long)