kylemcdonald / ofxCv

Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.

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error: 'glm' was not declared in this scope

aslamvga opened this issue · comments

I try to install Footfall counter program on Raspberry pi 3 running rasbian jessie and I installed openframwork (of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l_release).

I can compile and run the examples given in with the build. But when i try to compile Footfall counter program I am getting errors like
/home/pi/of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l_release/addons/ofxCv/libs/ofxCv/include/ofxCv/Utilities.h:260:19: error: 'cv::Point2f ofxCv::toCv' redeclared as different kind of symbol cv::Point2f toCv(glm::vec2 vec);

/home/pi/of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l_release/addons/ofxCv/libs/ofxCv/include/ofxCv/Utilities.h:260:19: error: 'glm' has not been declared cv::Point2f toCv(glm::vec2 vec);

/home/pi/of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l_release/addons/ofxCv/libs/ofxCv/include/ofxCv/Utilities.h:264:50: error: 'glm' was not declared in this scope std::vector<cv::Point2f> toCv(const std::vector<glm::vec2>& points);

I really Appreciate any help to resolve this Issue

checkout #208