kylemcdonald / ofxCv

Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.

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ofxCv:Calibration for fisheye produces uneven image

stephanschulz opened this issue · comments


For a while now i am trying to do cam calibration with a fisheye lens (150 degree) but get a very messy image.
I tried the chessboard patterns and a assymetricalCircles pattern.
I am using a straight backing for the pattern.
I entered the right square size in the .yml file.

screen shot 2017-02-14 at 10 24 02 am

screen shot 2017-02-14 at 10 23 56 am

even with a normal lens i see small jumps in straight lines.

screen shot 2017-02-14 at 10 24 02 am

what might be wrong with my setup?

turns out setting my logitech c920 to use 640x480 resolution was not a good idea. setting it to 1920x1080 removed the strange edges in the image.

for the fish eye to work i still had to use this code here.