kylef / URITemplate.swift

Swift implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Could not associative array of (key, value) pairs.

mkrajcir opened this issue · comments

I am missing the option to use key-value pairs in template for composite value consisting of an associative array of (name, value) pairs.

Expected template usage:

Expected variables having values of key-value pairs
var := [("one", "red"), ("two", "green")]

Expected output:

According to RFC 5670:

2.4.2. Composite Values
An explode ("*") modifier indicates that the variable is to be treated as a composite value consisting of either a list of values or an associative array of (name, value) pairs.

let template = URITemplate(template:"{&var*}")
let expanded = template.expand(["var": ["one": "red", "two": "green"]])

will render as &one=red&two=green