kylef / Spectre

BDD Framework and test runner for Swift projects and playgrounds

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Ability to start tests from Xcode

Igor-Palaguta opened this issue · comments

All of Spectre tests added to global contexts start in atexit. XCode always says that they are passed. As really Spectre tests has not started yet.

If we start them manually with run. XCode also fails, as inside run exit is called.

Is there any plan to add ability testing with XCode?

I've wanted to be able to support this for some time.

Using the Objective-C runtime we could create a specific Xcode/XCTest reporter which would actually create XCTestCase subclasses and test methods dynamically in the run-time and map Spectre test cases over to them.

Unfortunately I haven't had much free time to explore this idea further, but I think it is feasible to implement.

I created #2 a while back to track this.