kylef / Mockingjay

An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift

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Swift Package Manager support

fukamachi opened this issue · comments

As the only dependency URITemplate supports it, just adding Package.swift would work fine.

It will require additional changes as Mockingjay has mixed sources (Objective-C and Swift) in the same target which is not supported by Swift Package Manager.

what is the status here?

This would be useful... The changes regarding mixed sources wouldn't be just a matter of translating MockingjayURLSessionConfiguration.m to swift? 🤔

You could even keep both and use .m for pods and .swift for SPM (not really sure of the impact of the changes on ObjC projects...)

I have a copy here:

@kylef Thoughts? I simply put the swizzling in where the MockingjayProtocol is registered.

@saltzmanjoelh My version corrects the build for Cocoapods and includes your version with the SwiftPM support:

What is the status of this? Is there any progress in supporting SMP?

I like MockingJay very much and would love to keep using it...

@chbeer I think this is dead. You could try ppanmorim's in the comment above.

Although I do see some recent commits?

Maybe @ppamorim can issue a PR for SPM?