kylef / Mockingjay

An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build with Swift 5 fails if '3.0.0-alpha.1' version is not explicitly specified in the Podfile.

henleo opened this issue · comments

By default cocoapods uses the 2.0.1 version of Mockingjay which makes the build fail when using Swift 5 due to issue #110.

You have to specify pod 'Mockingjay', '3.0.0-alpha.1' in the Podfile to get the latest version.

Maybe this is obvious for people who are used to cocoapods, but it took me a while to figure it out. Putting that in the installation instructions in the README might save others some time.