kyegomez / tree-of-thoughts

Plug in and Play Implementation of Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models that Elevates Model Reasoning by atleast 70%

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Add integration to guidance library

paolorechia opened this issue · comments

Thanks a lot for implementing this ToT library, nice work!

I think it could benefit a lot from using Microsoft Guidance (, specially with smaller local models that have a hard time following the instructions exactly.

Is this something you would be interested in?

Sadly, I’m low on time this week (and the next) to help with the implementation, but I would eventually look into making this integration (if you have no interest in making it yourself).


@paolorechia Guidance actually supports loading local LLMs and its pretty versatile, but loading local LLMs will surely making ToT heavier.

I believe you can extend from that llm class a little bit by wrapping your webui API call inside, so that your pr would work with guidance.

@yhyu13 thanks for looking into it :)

I already have a fork of guidance that uses the text-generation-web-ui api:

I didn’t mention it before I was not sure if you wanted an integration to text-generation-web-ui in the first place.

I did something similar as you mention, but based on OpenAI class. Main problem here is that my code doesn’t support many features of guidance, but that’s definitely a way to go.

Maybe something better would be to stick to the more “official” integrations, like Huggingface, so it also supports better guidance?


Is guidance part of hugging face? We should catchup with those high-level wrappers I believe @kyegomez

@yhyu13 Not part of, but you'll get a much better support to use guidance if you use Hugging Face. There are several features implemented specifically for the HF API, e.g., token healing.


I thought token healing was just an bool flag, had never looked inside. Will do

Trying to implement guidance right now can you all help!, I'm making an all-new folder at extremely_experimental

Nevermind just saw your pr

Now we need to update the prompts of the models to use guidance


Inside /extremely_experimental/prompting

Given the current state of reasoning: 'Given the current state of reasoning: 'W h a t a r e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n r e a s o n i n g m e t h o d s f o r L a r g e L a n g u a g e M o d e l s', generate {5} coherent thoughts to continue the reasoning process:', evaluate its value as a float between 0 and 1, and NOTHING ELSE:
Error parsing value: Given the current state of reasoning: 'Given the current state of reasoning: 'W h a t a r e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n r e a s o n i n g m e t h o d s f o r L a r g e L a n g u a g e M o d e l s', generate {5} coherent thoughts to continue the reasoning process:', evaluate its value as a float between 0 and 1, and NOTHING ELSE:
Solution: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 263, in evaluate_states
value = float(value_text)
ValueError: could not convert string to float: "Given the current state of reasoning: 'Given the current state of reasoning: 'W h a t a r e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n r e a s o n i n g m e t h o d s f o r L a r g e L a n g u a g e M o d e l s', generate {5} coherent thoughts to continue the reasoning process:', evaluate its value as a float between 0 and 1, and NOTHING ELSE:"

:~/dev/tree-of-thoughts$ python 
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'guidance'

tree-of-thoughts % /usr/local/bin/python3 /Users/defalt/Desktop/Athena/research/tree-of-thoughts/experiements/extremely_experimental/prompting/
Using api_model text-davinci-003
Generated thoughts: Given the current state of reasoning: '{state_text}', generate {5} coherent thoughts to continue the reasoning process:{#each (gen 'thoughts' k=k)}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/defalt/Desktop/Athena/research/tree-of-thoughts/experiements/extremely_experimental/prompting/", line 434, in
solution = tree_of_thoughts.solve(input_problem, k, T, b, vth, timeout, confidence_threshold=confidence, max_iterations=max_iterations, convergence_threshold=convergence_threshold, convergence_count=convergence_count)
File "/Users/defalt/Desktop/Athena/research/tree-of-thoughts/experiements/extremely_experimental/prompting/", line 401, in solve
result = self.tot_dfs(x, k, T, vth, confidence_threshold=confidence_threshold, max_iterations=max_iterations, convergence_threshold=convergence_threshold, convergence_count=convergence_count)
File "/Users/defalt/Desktop/Athena/research/tree-of-thoughts/experiements/extremely_experimental/prompting/", line 387, in tot_dfs
dfs(x, 1)
File "/Users/defalt/Desktop/Athena/research/tree-of-thoughts/experiements/extremely_experimental/prompting/", line 379, in dfs
for s_prime in sorted(self.model.generate_thoughts(s, k)):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guidance/", line 326, in getitem
return self._variables[key]
KeyError: 0

I got it to run with the attached change to the file and a conda environment.yml.

However, it doesn't appear to solve the game of 24 (with text-davinci-003):

Using api_model text-davinci-003
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations are given.\nThoughts: Try to use the 4 numbers and the basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24. \nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to find the solution.', 'Observation: 4 numbers and 4 basic arithmetic operations are given.\nThoughts: I can use these 4 numbers and 4 operations to create an equation that will result in 24.', 'Observation: 4 numbers, basic arithmetic operations.\nThoughts: We could use 4 different numbers and combine them with basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations are used to obtain 24.\nThoughts: We can use the 4 numbers and the operations to create an equation that equals 24.']
value: 1.0
value: 0.7
value: 1.0
value: 0.5
value: 1.0
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: All of the numbers must be positive integers.\nThoughts: We could use 4 different positive integers and combine them with basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: All numbers must be greater than 0.\nThoughts: We could use 4 different numbers greater than 0 and combine them with basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: All the numbers used in the equation must be positive numbers.\nThoughts: We could try to use the four numbers 1, 4, 6, and 8 to obtain 24 using the basic arithmetic operations.', 'Observation: The numbers used must be different.\nThoughts: We could try different combinations of the four numbers and the basic arithmetic operations to see if we can find a solution that yields 24.', 'Observation: The numbers used can range from 0 to 24.\nThoughts: We could use four numbers from 0 to 24 and combine them with basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of 4 numbers and operations to find the solution that yields 24.', 'Observation: We can use a combination of 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24. \nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to find a solution that uses all 4 numbers.', 'Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to see if we can get 24 as the result.', 'Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24. \nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to see if any of them result in 24.', 'Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to see if we can find a solution that adds up to 24.']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: The equation must include all 4 numbers and all 4 operations.\nThoughts: I need to come up with an equation that uses all 4 numbers and all 4 operations to create an equation that equals 24.', 'Observation: The numbers given are 4, 4, 4, and 4.\nThoughts: I can use the 4 numbers to create a combination of operations that will result in 24, such as (4 + 4) * (4', 'Observation: I have all the information I need to create an equation.\nThoughts: I can try different combinations of the 4 numbers and 4 operations to see if I can find an equation that will result in 24.', 'Observation: The 4 numbers given are unknown.\nThoughts: I need to identify which numbers to use in the equation in order to obtain 24.', 'Observation: All the numbers and operations given are positive integers.\nThoughts: I can use the order of operations to solve the equation and find the combination of numbers and operations that will result in 24.']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: The 4 numbers are unknown.\nThoughts: Try to identify the 4 numbers and use them with the basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: All the numbers and operations are given.\nThoughts: Try to find a combination of numbers and operations that will add up to 24.', 'Observation: All the operations are basic, and there are only 4 numbers.\nThoughts: Try to combine the operations and numbers in different ways to see if 24 can be obtained.', 'Observation: The 4 numbers are unknown.\nThoughts: Try to find out what the 4 numbers are and use the basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: All the numbers and operations have been given.\nThoughts: Try to arrange the numbers and operations in a way to get 24 as the result.']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: We need to find a combination of 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations that will equal 24.\nThoughts: We should try to identify the most efficient way to use the 4 numbers and operations to reach the desired result.', 'Observation: We can use the 4 numbers and the operations to create an equation that equals 24.\nThoughts: We can use trial and error to determine which numbers and operations to use in the equation to get 24.', 'Observation: All the numbers used must be positive integers.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of the 4 numbers and the operations to find the equation that equals 24.', 'Observation: The 4 numbers could be any combination of positive or negative numbers.\nThoughts: We could use the 4 numbers to create an equation that has 24 as the result, and then explore different combinations of the numbers and operations to', 'Observation: The 4 numbers could form a combination of 4 digits.\nThoughts: We could try out different combinations of 4 digits and the operations to see if any of them yield 24.']
value: 0.8
value: 0.5
value: 0.85
value: 0.7
value: 0.8
value: 0.5
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.25
value: 0.5
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.75
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 1.0
value: 0.6
value: 0.5
value: 0.5
value: 0.8
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: All possible combinations of numbers and operations must be considered.\nThoughts: We could consider all possible combinations of numbers greater than 0 and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: All numbers must be different. \nThoughts: We could use 4 different numbers greater than 0 that are all distinct and combine them with basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: A combination of 4 different numbers must be used.\nThoughts: We could use 4 different numbers and combine them in different ways with basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.', 'Observation: The numbers must be used only once.\nThoughts: We could use 4 different numbers greater than 0 and combine them with basic arithmetic operations in a way that each number is used only once to obtain 24.', 'Observation: The result must be 24.\nThoughts: We could use 4 different numbers greater than 0 and combine them with basic arithmetic operations to determine the combination that will yield 24.']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: We need to find a combination of 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations that will equal 24.\nThoughts: We should consider all possible combinations of the 4 numbers and the operations to find the most efficient solution.', 'Observation: We need to find the most efficient way to use the 4 numbers and operations to reach 24.\nThoughts: We should try different combinations of the 4 numbers and operations to see which one produces the desired result.', 'Observation: We need to find the combination of 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations that will produce the result of 24.\nThoughts: We should try to identify the most efficient way to use the 4 numbers and operations to reach the desired', 'Observation: We need to find the combination of 4 numbers and operations that will yield the result of 24.\nThoughts: We should look for patterns and possible combinations of the 4 numbers and operations to determine the most efficient way to reach', 'Observation: We need to find a combination of 4 numbers and operations that will equal 24.\nThoughts: We should consider all possible combinations of the 4 numbers and operations to find the most efficient way to reach the desired result.']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: We have 4 numbers and 4 operations available to us.\nThoughts: We can explore different combinations of the 4 numbers and 4 operations to find the solution that yields 24.', 'Observation: We have 4 numbers and 4 operations to work with.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of the 4 numbers and 4 operations to find the solution that yields 24.', 'Observation: We have 4 numbers and 4 operations to work with.\nThoughts: We can use each number and operation combination to see if they result in 24.', 'Observation: The numbers and operations can be combined in different ways.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to see if any of them result in 24.', 'Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of 4 numbers and operations to see which one yields the result of 24.']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: We have 4 numbers and 4 basic arithmetic operations to work with.\nThoughts: We can use combinations of the numbers and operations to solve for 24.', 'Observation: We have 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to work with.\nThoughts: We can use trial and error to find a combination of numbers and operations that will result in 24.', 'Observation: We have 4 numbers and 4 basic arithmetic operations to work with.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of the 4 numbers and operations to see if we can find a solution that adds up to 24.', 'Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to see if we can find a solution that adds up to 24, such as 6+6', 'Observation: We can use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to obtain 24.\nThoughts: We can try different combinations of numbers and operations to see if we can find a solution that adds up to 24, such as 4+4']
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: All possible combinations of the 4 numbers and the operations have been tried.\nThoughts: Check if there are any other mathematical operations that can be used to get 24 as the result.', 'Observation: All possible combinations of the 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations have been tried.\nThoughts: Try to use the 4 numbers and the basic arithmetic operations in a different way, such as using parentheses or exponents, to obtain 24', 'Observation: All possible combinations of the 4 numbers and operations have been exhausted.\nThoughts: Consider using more than 4 numbers and operations to get 24 as the result.', 'Observation: All the possibilities of combining the numbers and operations have been exhausted.\nThoughts: Try to rearrange the numbers and operations in a different order to see if a different result can be obtained.', 'Observation: All possible combinations of the 4 numbers and operations have been tried.\nThoughts: Try to use brackets to arrange the numbers and operations in a different way to obtain 24 as the result.']
value: 1.0
value: 1.0
value: 0.2
value: 1.0
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.9
value: 1.0
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 1.0
value: 0.5
value: 1.0
value: 1.0
value: 0.9
value: 0.9
value: 0.8
value: 0.8
value: 0.5
value: 0.8
value: 0.7
value: 1.0
value: 1.0
Generated thoughts: ['Observation: We have 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to work with.\nThoughts: We should explore different combinations of the 4 numbers and operations to determine which one will yield the result of 24.']
solution ['Observation: We have 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations to work with.\nThoughts: We should explore different combinations of the 4 numbers and operations to determine which one will yield the result of 24.']

@jabowery is that using guidance?

is that using guidance?

Almost certainly. The only way I was able to get the program to run was to include guidance in my conda environment via the provided environment.yml because without guidance installed, would fail with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'guidance'

I have the same issue. Running the example prompted me to install guidance. After pip installing guidance and using this as the input_problem: using 1 2 6 9 us these numbers and basic arithmetic operations (+-*/) to obtain 24. The output should be an equation. I get some response like solution: (['Observation: All of the numbers provided can be combined to create 24.\nThoughts: We can use trial and error to find the combination of numbers and operations that produces the desired result of 24.'], 1.0)

Any ideas on how (with what settings) to get the example going are highly appreciated :)


@ALL pr #18 guidance is still WIP at this moment, the prompt suggested from that uses system, user, assistant actually leads to GPT4 spitting out wrong output for evaluation

The will not use guidance before this problem is fixed


#11 (comment) @jabowery

text-davinci-003 is poor at this task, gpt4 and chatgpt mostly will speculate with actual mathematics formula

I have finally managed to solve this puzzle:
input_problem = "use 1 2 3 as available numbers, you can only use each number once and basic arithmetic operations (+-*/) to obtain 7. The output should be an equation."

with gpt-4 and V2 in the example file with these settings:
k = 5
T = 2
b = 3
vth = 0.5
timeout = 20
confidence = 1.0 #cmodel is confident on performance
max_iterations = 40 #tree branh nodes
convergence_threshold = 0.01
convergence_count = 5

search_algorithm = "BFS"

#cot or propose

value or vote

evaluation_strategy = "value"

Pretty awesome! Did cost quite a lot of tokens, though.

Working on the prompts now, the prompts seem to be the biggest problem!