kxxt / obsidian-advanced-paste

Advanced pasting functionality for obsidian

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wiki to share scripts?

luckman212 opened this issue · comments

@kxxt I spent all day yesterday working on a script to apply transformations to pasted Markdown link titles or URL parameters to remove "extra stuff" such as view counts from YouTube titles, or utm_xxx from Medium posts.

I was pretty happy with the results and wanted to share it. Would you consider adding a Wiki section here (or anywhere) so people can share script ideas?

Thank you. I will create a wiki or community contributed section later.

Actually I planed to add another advanced transform that directly works on markdown AST, which might be better suited for your use case.

I have created the wiki and make it editable by anyone.

You can share your script there.

Think up a good title and create a wiki page:


and put the description of your script into the page, then put your script into a code block.

Thanks for using my plugin. You are the first one I know who creates custom transforms :)