kxmndz / GenshinScripts

A collection of scripts to parse data from Dimbreath's GenshinData repository.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[WIP] GenshinScripts

A collection of scripts to be used with the data from https://github.com/Dimbreath/GenshinData (huge thanks to them btw)

What can these scripts generate ?

  • Quests (Daily commissions and World Quests) and Chapters (Archon, Story and Event Quests) (.txt)
  • Cooking recipes (.txt)
  • Achievements (.txt)
  • Characters (.json with textmap IDs)
  • Weapons (.json with textmap IDs)

And more to come...


  • Python 3.9+

How to use it

  • Python 3.9+ should be installed
  • Download the data from https://github.com/Dimbreath/GenshinData and extract it in a data/ folder at the root of the project.
  • The files structure should look like this :
GenshinScripts/     (main folder)
├── data/             (from Dimbreath/GenshinData)
│   ├── Excel/
│   │   ├── _.json
│   │   ...
│   ├── Readable/       (books and items descriptions)
│   │   ├── {lang}/...
│   │   ...
│   └── TextMap/
│       ├──text_.json
│       ...
├── res/            (folder containing the generated files)
├── utils/
│   ├── _.py
│   ...
├── main.py
└── README.md

Usage and examples

  • main.py can be used with the parameter --lang EN|FR|JP|.... to change the language of the files generated (with EN being the default language)
  • main.py --lang EN --all will generate all the files in English (--all flag can only be used alone)

To extract specific files, it's possible to use the subcommands {achievement,chapter,weapon,recipe,quest,character} followed by specific IDs :

  • achievement requires an order ID of the achievement category (OrderId in AchievementGoalExcelConfigData.json)
  • chapter requires a chapter ID (Id in ChapterExcelConfigData.json)
  • weapon requires a weapon ID (Id in WeaponExcelConfigData.json)
  • recipe only uses the all argument, since all the recipes are written in a single file
  • quest requires a quest ID (Id in MainQuestExcelConfigData.json)
  • character requires a character ID (Id in AvatarExcelConfigData.json)

It's also possible to use the all keyword to extract every possible files for a subcommand.

Complete example :

  • main.py --lang JP achievement 1 2 3 chapters 1001 weapon all will generate the files in Japanese, for the achievements with OrderIds 1, 2 and 3, the chapter with the Id 1001 and files for every weapon.


A collection of scripts to parse data from Dimbreath's GenshinData repository.


Language:Python 100.0%