kwakeham / Maelstrom

Fan Controller Firmware

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Pinout documentation?

stevew817 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for all the effort and open-sourcing! Would it be possible to add hardware documentation here? I.e. BOM and schematic?

I came here to ask the same question. Even just details on the general hardware involved would be helpful because I can't tell from just the firmware what's being targeted.


Pins are listed in custom_board.h

#define LED_1R 16
#define LED_1G 12
#define LED_1B 14

#define LED_2R 11
#define LED_2G 9
#define LED_2B 10

#define LED_3R 19
#define LED_3G 30
#define LED_3B 31


#define BUTTON_START 27
#define BUTTON_1 29
#define BUTTON_2 28
#define BUTTON_3 27
#define BUTTON_STOP 29

These are all the standard nordic ones, except the triac and crossover were poorly hardcoded into the triac.h file as

#define PIN_ZC 18 //old 11
#define PIN_OUT 20 //old 12

These pinouts relate to the nrf52832 chip. Check the Module BL652-SA used. If you have a PCB these are all listed on the underside in the silk.


To be clear, there's no schematic or board drawings available, correct?