kvaps / kube-linstor

Containerized LINSTOR SDS for Kubernetes, ready for production use.

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linstor 1.12.2 K8s 1.21 : cannot create pv

fondemen opened this issue · comments

After upgrading to linstor 1.12, I can't create new pv.
Here are some interesting logs from linstor-controller :

INFO: [HttpServer-1] Started.
11:35:37.611 [Main] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Controller initialized
11:35:42.445 [grizzly-http-server-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Could not set object '[]' of type String as SQL type: 2005 (CLOB) for column RESOURCE_GROUPS.NODE_NAME_LIST [Report number 609282FD-00000-000000]
11:35:42.640 [grizzly-http-server-0] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Could not set object '[]' of type String as SQL type: 2005 (CLOB) for column RESOURCE_GROUPS.NODE_NAME_LIST [Report number 609282FD-00000-000001]
11:35:42.717 [grizzly-http-server-1] WARN  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Path '/v1/resource-definitions//resources' not found on server.
11:35:42.756 [grizzly-http-server-0] WARN  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Path '/v1/resource-definitions//resources' not found on server.
11:35:53.460 [grizzly-http-server-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Could not set object '[]' of type String as SQL type: 2005 (CLOB) for column RESOURCE_GROUPS.NODE_NAME_LIST [Report number 609282FD-00000-000002]
11:35:53.545 [grizzly-http-server-0] WARN  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Path '/v1/resource-definitions//resources' not found on server.
11:35:59.185 [grizzly-http-server-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Could not set object '[]' of type String as SQL type: 2005 (CLOB) for column RESOURCE_GROUPS.NODE_NAME_LIST [Report number 609282FD-00000-000003]
11:35:59.252 [grizzly-http-server-0] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Could not set object '[]' of type String as SQL type: 2005 (CLOB) for column RESOURCE_GROUPS.NODE_NAME_LIST [Report number 609282FD-00000-000004]

What is weird is that I have no problem exploring existing resources using the linstor cli, or creating new ones...
However, I can't create a new ressource group :

$ linstor rg c test
    Creation of resource group 'test' failed due to an unknown exception.
    Resource group: test
Show reports:
    linstor error-reports show 609282FD-00000-000042
command terminated with exit code 10

Any hint?


I'm not sure, but looks like upstream issue.
I was checking this version before the release it was working fine to me, but currently I'm using Kubernetes v1.20.

Any way could you provide the detailed bug reports from the linstor-controller. You can find them on one of the linstor-controller container in /logs/ErrorReport-609282FD-00000-*.log or directly on the node in /var/log/linstor-controller/ErrorReport-609282FD-00000-*.log

Thanks for your answer.
Here is the gist: https://gist.github.com/fondemen/a69c719a42274c9acb340ab4a76cc990
I fear there is not much more there : class cast exception from String to CLOB.

I've check with backups, the resource_groups::node_name_list was changed from character varying(4096) DEFAULT '[]'::character varying to text DEFAULT '[]'::character varying ; not sure whether that's the problem...

You're using NODE_LIST. I suppose you have the similar problem like I faced on v1.12.1 with REPLICAS_ON_SAME and REPLICAS_ON_DIFFERENT (see LINBIT/linstor-server#230)

Please report this bug to the upstream project:

Thanks for your response. Issue mentionned here LINBIT/linstor-server#231.
It also happens on a brand new K8s 1.20.5 / linstor 1.12.2. I'm not using your new auto-join feature (creating lvm volumes or joining nodes by hand).
What's the version of your Postgres ?

I use stolon v0.16.0 from this chart

# postgres --version
postgres (PostgreSQL) 10.12 (Debian 10.12-1.pgdg90+1)

Problem solved with 1.12.3 !
Thanks a lot !