kutyel / linq.ts

🌀LINQ for TypeScript

Home Page:http://kutyel.github.io/linq.ts/

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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'linqts'

ToxicToast opened this issue · comments

i've seen a few Bugs like this,
i am using Angular 7 right now with linqts (version 1.12.4)
when i am building with it, it shows that the module can't be found but it is definitely in the node_modules folder
(sorry in advance if something is unclear, english isn't my first language)

here my tsconfig:

"compileOnSave": false,
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist/out-tsc",
"baseUrl": "src",
"sourceMap": true,
"declaration": false,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"target": "es5",
"typeRoots": [
"module": "es2015",
"paths": {
"@app/": ["app/"],
"@app/env/": ["environments/"],
"@env/": ["environments/"],
"@dummyData/": ["assets/dummyData/"],
"core-js/es7/reflect": ["../node_modules/core-js/proposals/reflect-metadata"],
"core-js/es6/": ["../node_modules/core-js/es/"]
"lib": [

solved - looks like putting it into the devDependencies causes this error