kusti8 / proton-native

A React environment for cross platform desktop apps

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How to bundle and distribute the app

Sparkenstein opened this issue · comments

Not sure if I missed something from reading docs, but is there a way to bundle and distribute binaries? electron-builder can generate .AppImage, .snap etc. Can we build such packages? If we can, is there a way to cross-compile packages as well. I am really considering using proton native for a huge open source project. I left PySide2 (python QT official wrapper) exactly because there's no good way available for bundling and distributing.

I see in some issues that you are experimenting with pkg or nexe. How is the progress?

PS: apart from bundling I'd like to help in documentation, the current docs are not really helpful for new comers. Are you planning to fix them soon or let me know if I can be of any help

I believe Electron Builder also supports Proton Native; https://www.electron.build/configuration/configuration#proton-native

As of v2 electron builder doesn't support Proton Native. Distribution is very tricky, but its not that high of a priority right now. I did get it to work with nexe: https://proton-native.js.org/#/packaging, but it isn't ideal. I want to keep on adding components. Feel free to contribute to the docs by just submitting a PR.

#283 if you want a rough idea of what you could do.