kurzum / links

A repo that contains outgoing links from DBpedia

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A repo that contains links and alternative classifications for DBpedia


Current version 0.7 This README specifies how to contribute links to the DBpedia+ Data Stack. Please read carefully. In case of questions, please use the GitHub Issue Tracker at https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-links/issues Further feedback can go the DBpedia Discussion mailinglist: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dbpedia-discussion


In order to allow widest possible dissemination, all data and code in this repository is to be treated as public domain or CC-0. We assume that you are aware of this when contributing to the repository, your links and scripts will be re-used, hosted and mixed with other data.

We expect that anybody using data from this repository will give proper attribution to the work of:

  • DBpedia as a community
  • This repository and its contributors as a whole
  • The individual contributions

However, we will send friendly emails instead of lawyers, if we think attribution is not given properly.

How to contribute links

Please do a GitHub pull request to allow us to check your contribution.

  1. Choose an appropriate folder:

  2. We are linking by domain and subdomain, so please have a look whether your domain/subdomain already exists. Examples are:

    • viaf.org - links/dbpedia.org/viaf.org
    • lobid.org - links/dbpedia.org/lobid.org
    • lobid.org - links/xxx.dbpedia.org/de/lobid.org
  3. Submit the links. Note in this repo you can submit one or several of:

    • a link file (N-Triples, one triple per line, DBpedia URL as subject, if larger than 200k triples ~20MB, bzip2 compressed)
    • a script generating above-mentioned link file
    • configuration files for SILK or LIMES
    • patches, i.e. white and blacklists for links

within the folder mentioned in 2, please adhere to the following structure:

  • README.md - documentation for the links
  • name_links.nt or name_links.nt.bz2 - the link file
  • link-specs/ - SILK and LIMES config files
  • scripts/ - any script that produces a link file
  • patches/ - black or whitelist

Please see the next section for details.



The README.md file is very important and should document, who created the links and how the links were created.


If you just have the link file, you can submit it to the appropriate folder. The file must:

If the file is larger than 200k triples or 20MB please compress it using bzip2

Example link file



You can submit XML configurations for SILK or LIMES, see the example

Example link spec



A simple script that generates the link file. We are using command-line linux to run it.

Example 1

Java program started with a shell script https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-links/blob/master/links/dbpedia.org/gadm.geovocab.org/scripts/makeLinks.sh

Example 2

Shell script downloading the links https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-links/blob/master/links/dbpedia.org/lobid.org/manifestation/scripts/makeLinks.sh

Example 3

Shell script doing a SPARQL Construct query to retrieve links https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-links/blob/master/links/dbpedia.org/lobid.org/organisation/scripts/makeLinks.sh


The patches folders allows users to contribute black and whitelists. Please name the files like this:

  • patches/blacklist_$yourusername
  • patches/whitelist_$yourusername (This allows different users to maintain their own patches)

Submission of alternate classifications

Submit the N-Triples file compressed as bzip2 to the types folder.

  1. create a folder with the domain the types are from
  2. the file should be in N-Triples format and should only contain triples having rdf:type as property

Example classification:


Contributors (alphabetically)

  • Sarven Capadisli, AKSW, Uni Leipzig (Csarven)
  • Pascal Christoph, (dr0i)
  • Sebastian Hellmann, AKSW, Uni Leipzig (kurzum)
  • Anja Jentzsch, HPI Potsdam (ajeve)
  • Barry Norton (BarryNorton)
  • Søren Roug, (sorenroug)
  • Christopher Gutteridge (cgutteridge)
  • Heiko Paulheim, Uni Mannheim (HeikoPaulheim)
  • Petar Ristoski, Uni Mannheim (petarR)
  • Amy Guy, BBC / Uni Edinburgh (rhiaro)

Preliminary metadata.ttl

TODO add the names of the used nt files.

@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix void: <http://rdfs.org/ns/void#> .

<http://dbpedia.org/links/transparency.270a.info> a void:Linkset ;
	void:objectsTarget <http://example.org/target/dataset> ;
	dc:author "Sarven Capadisli" ;
	dc:description "Please write your comment here!" .


A repo that contains outgoing links from DBpedia


Language:Shell 63.7%Language:PHP 36.3%