kumar-shridhar / LongtoNotes

LongtoNotes: OntoNotes with Longer Coreference Chains

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LongtoNotes: OntoNotes with Longer Coreference Chains

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Ontonotes has served as the most important benchmark for coreference resolution. However, for ease of annotation, several long documents in Ontonotes were split into smaller parts. In this work, we build a corpus of coreference-annotated documents of significantly longer length than what is currently available. We do so by providing an accurate, manually-curated, merging of annotations from documents that were split into multiple parts in the original Ontonotes annotation process Ontonotes. The resulting corpus, which we call LongtoNotes contains documents in multiple genres of the English language with varying lengths, the longest of which are up to 8x the length of documents in Ontonotes, and 2x those in Litbank.

Genre wise comparison between OntoNotes and LongtoNotes dataset

Comparison to other coref datasets

Comparison between LongtoNotes and other coref dataset

Model performance on OntoNotes vs LongtoNotes

Model performance of various models on OntoNotes vs LongtoNotes

Creative Commons License
LongtoNotes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. However, access to OntoNotes is needed in order to create LongtoNotes from it.

For access to LongtoNotes now, please reach out to us (shkumar@ethz.ch). We will soon release the automatic script to convert OntoNotes into LongtoNotes.

  title={Longtonotes: OntoNotes with Longer Coreference Chains},
  author={Shridhar, Kumar and Monath, Nicholas and Thirukovalluru, Raghuveer and Stolfo, Alessandro and Zaheer, Manzil and McCallum, Andrew and Sachan, Mrinmaya},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.03650},


LongtoNotes: OntoNotes with Longer Coreference Chains