kuma4649 / mml2vgm

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Dynamic channel allocation function

denjhang opened this issue · comments

The dynamic channel allocation function allows me to compose music with more audio tracks than the actual number of channels. In fact, in most cases, the channels of YM2612 are not fully used all the time, and there are always idle channels. If this function is available, the channel utilization can be improved a lot, and there are fewer restrictions when composing tracks. .

So you want something like this?
When you want dynamic allocation, you write your mml data on tracks. Each track has a list of parts it is allowed to write to.
When you write on a track, the compiler will search for free parts in which to place notes.
If a new note arrives but all parts are occupied, decide which part to cut off. Perhaps the part with the lowest volume should be cut first.
It sounds quite complicated to implement.
I think the part arpeggio function is a good compromise. It's not exactly what you want, but it helps in some cases.

So you want something like this?
When you want dynamic allocation, you write your mml data on tracks. Each track has a list of parts it is allowed to write to.
When you write on a track, the compiler will search for free parts in which to place notes.
If a new note arrives but all parts are occupied, decide which part to cut off. Perhaps the part with the lowest volume should be cut first.
It sounds quite complicated to implement.
I think the part arpeggio function is a good compromise. It's not exactly what you want, but it helps in some cases.

In fact, this is not complicated, only a simple algorithm is needed to use these channels in turn. In general, the new notes directly overwrite the old ones. In addition, it is also necessary to calculate the actual length of the note. Longer notes have a higher priority to be covered. . Something like that.

In practical examples, Windows comes with OPL3/OPNA MIDI driver with this algorithm, which can play MIDI in FM sound source (usually there are more MIDI channels than FM hardware channels)







For algorithmic issues, there are currently two projects that have implemented this function. I suggest you refer to their code. In fact, the OPL series chips are very suitable for dynamic channel allocation.


