kulshekhar / ts-jest

A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript.

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use ts-jest and ts-jest/presets/default-esm in the same monorepo

its-dibo opened this issue · comments




Steps to reproduce

I have a monorepo that includes some commonjs and esm projects
I configured the root jest.config.ts to use ts-jest as a preset and added projects property, so each project has its own jest.config.ts file

in esm projects I override the value of preset to 'ts-jest/presets/default-esm', but I got errors when the test encounters an esm feature.

it works when I set preset in the root config file to ts-jest but this makes commonjs projects have issues

Expected behavior


Actual behavior


Debug log


Additional context

No response



If you are using projects property, the root level preset will be ignored. This is the default behavior of Jest config. For monorepo, it's better that you specify preset per project config instead of root level.

Note that this doesn't belong to ts-jest scope because this repo is a transformer. Your issue is related to Jest configuration.


the root level preset will be ignored

this is the expected behavior, but the actual behavior is that esm is not being used. I am going to prepare a minimal reproduction to showcase this issue


The preset is used or not it’s up to Jest, we can’t interfere that process. Please use Discussions section of GitHub for help or you can ask in Jest Discord