kulinshah98 / decaf-compiler

C++ implementation of decaf compiler using bison and flex

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Decaf Compiler

Structure of folder

  • scanner.l - It contains scanner of decaf compiler which will recognize tokens using regular expressions.
  • parser.y - It contains parser of decaf compiler. It checks macro-syntax of language.
  • ast.h - It contains declarations of all classes used in construction of AST.
  • ast.cpp - It contains all funtions of classes except statements, methods related classes required for AST.
  • methods.cpp - It contains all functions of classes for method classes.
  • statements.cpp - It contains all functions of different type of statement classes.
  • main.cpp - It initiates process of parsing of a program.
  • codegen_visitor.h - It contains code generator visitor functions related to all classes except classes related expression and statements.
  • expressiongen_visitor.h - It contains code generator visitor functions of expression classes.
  • statementgen_visitor.h - It contains code generator visitor functions of statement classes.

Compile and run

  • To compile the code, use 'make' command.
  • To run decaf compiler on input.dcf file, use command ./parser input.dcf
  • redirect output of above file in an output file.
  • Run output file using lli.
  • Example:
    • make
    • ./parser input.dcf > output
    • lli output

Project description


  • flex scanner for scanning tokens.
  • Detects tokens using regular expressions.


  • bison parser for generating AST
  • Implented using context free grammers


  • Generates AST

Code generation

  • Implemented using Visitor design pattern


C++ implementation of decaf compiler using bison and flex


Language:C 59.0%Language:C++ 30.4%Language:Yacc 6.7%Language:Lex 3.7%Language:Makefile 0.2%