kulakowka / react-bulma

React.js components for Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox

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Consider to use classnames package for create a class

kresli opened this issue · comments

currently you are creating classes with if statements. I think it would be much easier to use https://www.npmjs.com/package/classnames module. I'm happy to help with it.

@Julian-B90 what do you think about it? I thought it over. I think we should avoid using unnecessary dependencies.

@kulakowka i think classnames was a good module for react-bulma. We use it in our company projects.

@kresli maybe you can made a fork and help us with the rebuild with classnames?
I have start with Button https://github.com/kulakowka/react-bulma/blob/master/src/components/Button/Button.js

@Julian-B90 I will do all the other components.