kulakowka / GulpTemplate

Template app for new projects with Gulp, Browser-sync, Babel, Uglify, Stylus, Autoprefixer, Sourcemaps, JsHint, JSCS, etc...

Home Page:https://selfeducation.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Template app for new projects with Gulp, Browser-sync, Babel, Uglify, Stylus, Autoprefixer, Sourcemaps, JsHint, JSCS, etc...

Main tasks

gulp or npm start to start developer server.

Special tasks

gulp templates for compile jade-templates to HTML-files in ./build

gulp javascripts for compile javascript files to HTML in ./build/javascripts

gulp stylesheets for compile stylus-stylesheets to CSS-files in ./build/stylesheets

gulp watch for start watching all assets and re-compile if it changed.

gulp browser-sync for browser auto reload if assets files changed.

gulp jscs test javascript code style.

gulp jshint test javascript errors.

gulp clean for delete all files from ./build


Template app for new projects with Gulp, Browser-sync, Babel, Uglify, Stylus, Autoprefixer, Sourcemaps, JsHint, JSCS, etc...



Language:JavaScript 91.7%Language:HTML 6.9%Language:CSS 1.4%