kuiperzone / AvantGarde

Avalonia XAML Preview for Linux and Windows

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Preview fails with bound dimensions

iq2luc opened this issue · comments



Preview fails if the dimensions of the control cannot be directly obtain from the XML by converting the attribute value to a number (e.g. when the value is bound to a data model variable).


If the preview-able control has Width / MinWidth / MaxWidth and / or Height / MinHeight / MaxHeight bound to a data model variable, not just simple numbers in the XML, the preview fails with the error The input string '{Binding Path=ViewWidth}' was not in a correct format.



Proposed solution (workaround?)

The following patch fixes the issue for me:

diff --git a/AvantGarde/Loading/PreviewFactory.cs b/AvantGarde/Loading/PreviewFactory.cs
index 898068a..afdbeb7 100644
--- a/AvantGarde/Loading/PreviewFactory.cs
+++ b/AvantGarde/Loading/PreviewFactory.cs
@@ -73,8 +73,16 @@ namespace AvantGarde.Loading
                             var root = doc.Root ?? throw new XmlException("No root element");
                             _source.DesignWidth = ParseOrNaN(GetLocalAttribute(root, "DesignWidth")?.Value, "DesignWidth");
                             _source.DesignHeight = ParseOrNaN(GetLocalAttribute(root, "DesignHeight")?.Value, "DesignHeight");
-                            _source.Width = GetDimension(root, "Width", "MinWidth", "MaxWidth");
-                            _source.Height = GetDimension(root, "Height", "MinHeight", "MaxHeight");
+                            try {
+                               _source.Width = GetDimension(root, "Width", "MinWidth", "MaxWidth");
+                               _source.Height = GetDimension(root, "Height", "MinHeight", "MaxHeight");
+                            }
+                            catch(Exception e) {
+                               _source.Width = ControlDimension.Empty;
+                               _source.Height = ControlDimension.Empty;
+                               Debug.WriteLine("Cannot get view dimensions (width and / or height); " + e.Message);
+                            }
                             Debug.WriteLine("Root Name: " + root.Name.LocalName);

Note: If the above patch looks technically offending :-) please take into consideration I don't have any previous experience with the AvantGarde source code, and I only spent about 5 minutes investigating the problem.

Thank you

Please allow me to take this opportunity to thank you and express my infinite gratitude for developing this indispensable tool.

Let me take a look...

Thank you for the proposed solution. Have implemented in v1.2.2.


Thank you for the proposed solution. Have implemented in v1.2.2.

Thank you for the quick resolution and also, again, for this very useful tool (I'm so glad I found it).