kufu / textlint-rule-preset-smarthr


Home Page:https://smarthr.design/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release candidate

github-actions opened this issue · comments

Dry Run Log:

yarn run v1.22.19
$ standard-version --dry-run
✔ bumping version in package.json from 1.23.0 to 1.23.1
✔ outputting changes to CHANGELOG.md

### [1.23.1](https://github.com/kufu/textlint-rule-preset-smarthr/compare/v1.23.0...v1.23.1) (2023-04-04)

### Bug Fixes

* 「解す」の誤検知を修正 ([#325](https://github.com/kufu/textlint-rule-preset-smarthr/issues/325)) ([697d653](https://github.com/kufu/textlint-rule-preset-smarthr/commit/697d65350250d7658f7d08926b0763172640e635))

✔ committing package.json and CHANGELOG.md
✔ tagging release v1.23.1
ℹ Run `git push --follow-tags origin HEAD && npm publish` to publish
Done in 0.53s.