kubewharf / kelemetry

Global control plane tracing for Kubernetes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Avoid diff cache double-write with leader election

SOF3 opened this issue · comments


Currently diff controller runs a multi-leader elector to ensure high availability. However this puts a lot of stress on the diff cache backend.

To optimize this, we can introduce a new elector for writing to diff cache. While the original lease continues to restrict the number of watch streams, the new elector only restricts the number of diff cache writers.

  A --> B: acquire watch lease
  B --> C: acquire cache writer lease
  C --> D: lose cache writer lease
  D --> B: maintained state\nfor more than\n15 seconds
State Watch lease Cache writer lease Behavior
A Not acquired Do not participate in election Try to acquire watch lease. Do not watch objects.
B Acquired Not acquired Try to acquire cache writer lease. Watch objects and maintain a local cache for 15 seconds. Do not write to remote diff cache.
B -> C Acquired Not acquired -> acquired Write the local cache for the previous 15 seconds to the remote diff cache.
C Acquired Acquired Watch objects and write to remote diff cache.
D Acquired Acquired -> lost election for less than 15 seconds Watch objects and write to remote diff cache.
B Acquired Lost election for more than 15 seconds Try to acquire cache writer lease. Watch objects and maintain a local cache for 15 seconds. Do not write to remote diff cache.

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