kubevela / velaux

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[BUG] Application Graph displays exception stack trace

unlenen opened this issue · comments

Velaux Application Graph is failed when click to : applications/[APP-NAME]/envbinding/system/status . An exception stack trace appears.

To Reproduce

  1. Click an application
  2. Click Enviroment
  3. Click Status
  4. Click Application Graph Tab

Expected behavior

Application graph of application


KubeVela Version


Additional context

@unlenen Are all application status pages failed?

@unlenen Can you view and provide the application status API response data?

@unlenen Are all application status pages failed?

It fails for all applications .

No API call is occoured when I click to application graph . I can share the api response when I click to status

{ "envName": "delivery-experience-dev", "status": { "conditions": [ { "type": "Parsed", "status": "True", "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-27T10:47:11Z", "reason": "Available" }, { "type": "Revision", "status": "True", "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-27T10:47:11Z", "reason": "Available" }, { "type": "Policy", "status": "True", "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-27T10:47:11Z", "reason": "Available" }, { "type": "Render", "status": "True", "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-27T10:47:11Z", "reason": "Available" }, { "type": "Workflow", "status": "True", "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-27T10:49:15Z", "reason": "Available" }, { "type": "Ready", "status": "True", "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-27T10:49:15Z", "reason": "ReconcileSuccess" } ], "observedGeneration": 2, "status": "running", "services": [ { "name": "gokce-nginx", "namespace": "delivery-experience", "cluster": "p-platform-idp-kubevela-stage", "workloadDefinition": { "apiVersion": "apps/v1", "kind": "Deployment" }, "healthy": true, "message": "Status:Healthy" } ], "workflow": { "appRevision": "workflow-delivery-experience-dev-20230427104909033", "mode": "StepByStep-DAG", "status": "succeeded", "suspend": false, "terminated": false, "finished": true, "contextBackend": { "kind": "ConfigMap", "namespace": "delivery-experience", "name": "workflow-gokce-nginx-context", "uid": "107da2be-da48-4942-9f95-2a60ac1d2490", "apiVersion": "v1" }, "steps": [ { "id": "lf8v2q3z8p", "name": "delivery-experience-dev", "type": "deploy", "phase": "succeeded", "firstExecuteTime": "2023-04-27T10:49:09Z", "lastExecuteTime": "2023-04-27T10:49:15Z" } ], "startTime": "2023-04-27T10:49:09Z", "endTime": "2023-04-27T10:49:15Z" }, "latestRevision": { "name": "gokce-nginx-v2", "revision": 2, "revisionHash": "ecb7bc94f51cff0b" }, "appliedResources": [ { "cluster": "p-platform-idp-kubevela-stage", "creator": "workflow", "kind": "Rollout", "namespace": "delivery-experience", "name": "gokce-nginx", "apiVersion": "argoproj.io/v1alpha1" }, { "cluster": "p-platform-idp-kubevela-stage", "creator": "workflow", "kind": "Service", "namespace": "delivery-experience", "name": "gokce-nginx", "apiVersion": "v1" }, { "cluster": "p-platform-idp-kubevela-stage", "creator": "workflow", "kind": "Service", "namespace": "delivery-experience", "name": "gokce-nginx-preview", "apiVersion": "v1" }, { "cluster": "p-platform-idp-kubevela-stage", "creator": "workflow", "kind": "VirtualService", "namespace": "delivery-experience", "name": "gokce-nginx", "apiVersion": "networking.istio.io/v1alpha3" }, { "cluster": "p-platform-idp-kubevela-stage", "creator": "workflow", "kind": "ServiceAccount", "namespace": "delivery-experience", "name": "gokce-nginx", "apiVersion": "v1" } ] } }

It is solved in 1.8.1 thanks