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Render ClickHouse addon application fail

JingbenShi668 opened this issue Β· comments

When I enabled clickhouse with vela in k8s cluster, I don't know why the clickhouse addon rendered the application fail.

Besides, the clickhouse addon is an experimental addon, why it appears in the VelaUX as a verified addons?πŸ˜‚

Please provide your KubeVela version. Did you add the experimental registry? If you did, yes it will show up.

Currently, the ClickHouse addon uses a feature that is only available in KubeVela v1.6-alpha.1 and later. So, to use the latest version of ClickHouse addon, a new version of KubeVela is required. Or you can use older clickhouse addon versions.

We will fix this soon by adding a vela version requirement.

Please provide your KubeVela version. Did you add the experimental registry? If you did, yes it will show up.

Yes, I have add the the experimental registry as addon repo. And, my KubeVela Version is 1.5+, I think I have installed the latest KubeVela. πŸ˜‚
It maybe that the version of my KubeVela is 1.5+ lower than v1.6-alpha.1 and it lead to that I can't normally enable clickhouse 1.0.1 addon .

Currently, the ClickHouse addon uses a feature that is only available in KubeVela v1.6-alpha.1 and later. So, to use the latest version of ClickHouse addon, a new version of KubeVela is required. Or you can use older clickhouse addon versions.

We will fix this soon by adding a vela version requirement.

When I enabled the clickhouse 1.0.0 with KubeVela 1.5.7, it seemed addon clickhouse is enabled successfully.

After I applied the clickhouse app, the application prod/ck-app were applied. However, when I checked the status pf the application ck-app, I don't understand what errors resulted in the failure of the applicaion applying.

Looks like your ingress controller is having some problems. For testing purposes, try removing Ingress or gateway trait in your app.