kubernetes / kubeadm

Aggregator for issues filed against kubeadm

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kubeadm upgrade should not overwrite --bind-address in kube-apiserver.yaml

eltorio opened this issue · comments



kubeadm version 1.29.1

  • Kubernetes version: 1.29.1
  • Cloud provider or hardware configuration:
  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release): Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
  • Kernel (e.g. uname -a):Linux ___ 5.15.0-94-generic Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Container runtime (CRI): containerd
  • CNI: Cilium 1.15.1
  • Others: "(very) Poor man HA cluster with haproxy loadbalancer to the 2 master nodes installed and listening on on each worker node and each control plane.

Bug Report

Title: Kubeadm upgrade from v1.29.1 to v1.29.2 removes --bind-address=[ip] causing port conflict


I've encountered an issue with the kubeadm upgrade from v1.29.1 to v1.29.2. I have built a cluster in a mode I've termed "poor man's high availability cluster". I've documented the entire process in this StackOverflow post.

The problem arises when the upgrade process removes the --bind-address=[ip] line on my two master nodes. This should not happen as it creates a port listening conflict. The load balancer was already listening on, which prevents the kubelet from listening on

Expected Behavior:

The kubeadm upgrade should not change the listening port if it has been manually specified.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up a v1.29.1 cluster as described in the StackOverflow post.
  2. Perform a kubeadm upgrade from v1.29.1 to v1.29.2.

Additional Information:

This issue causes a disruption in the cluster operation and needs to be addressed to ensure smooth upgrades in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

kubeadm generates new manifests from scratch when it does upgrade based on spec found in the kube-config CM. there is no plans to change that, so any custom change will be overwritten on per-node bases including custom flag values.

to support per node customization (on init, join, upgrade) you can use patches.
yes, for flags they can be a bit tricky to apply, but you can leverage the fact that a component can have many --bind-address... flags and only the last one is used...so just add a new flag at the end with the patch.

create a patch file kube-apiserver+json.json and in there you can have something like:

        "op": "add",
        "path": "/spec/containers/0/command/-",
        "value":  [ "--bind-address=SOME_ADDR" ]


/kind support

so once upgrade is finished if you have provided --patches with the right dir that has this file your apiserver should have the extra --bind... flag.