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kubeadm upgrade apply phases

MarkDeckert opened this issue · comments


kubeadm init recently included a "--skip-phases" option for skipping a particular phase. However, kubeadm upgrade does not appear to have this option. This specifically causes issues when doing a kubeadm upgrade on a cluster that uses kube-router to replace the functionality of kube-proxy. Since upgrade will always redeploy kube-proxy, it will immediately begin altering iptables and/or ipvs underneath kube-router, and this can cause outages if the daemonset isn't deleted quickly enough.

Additionally (please ignore my ignorance if this is the case, as this is not the main issue) I should mention the documentation is not clear whether it's even possible to skip a particular addon. It appears --skip-phases addons will skip coredns as well, which would be undesireable.



(EDIT by neolit123:)



"apply" phase naming and other ideas:

TODO: remove the change added in this PR, once phases are supported:

kubeadm init recently included a "--skip-phases" option for skipping a particular phase. However, kubeadm upgrade does not appear to have this option. This specifically causes issues when doing a kubeadm upgrade on a cluster that uses kube-router to replace the functionality of kube-proxy.
Since upgrade will always redeploy kube-proxy, it will immediately begin altering iptables and/or ipvs underneath kube-router, and this can cause outages if the daemonset isn't deleted quickly enough.

yes, there is currently now way to skip phases during upgrade.
kube-proxy is considered an "essential addon" and kubeadm assumes that all clusters would use it.
also the daemon set is created in memory and passed to the client directly. it will not be written to disk.

this feature needs discussion.

/assign @timothysc @fabriziopandini

Additionally (please ignore my ignorance if this is the case, as this is not the main issue) I should mention the documentation is not clear whether it's even possible to skip a particular addon. It appears --skip-phases addons will skip coredns as well, which would be undesireable.

you can skip both and then apply the dns addon manually.

Thanks for taking a look. Also, I think if I had a choice, phase control during an upgrade would be handled through the config file/kubeadm-config configmap so as to be something inherent to the existing cluster, rather than a flag that has to be remembered at upgrade time.

@MarkDeckert you can skip only the proxy addon by using --skip-phases addons/proxy

First considerations on this topic, that deserve discussion at sig-level and commitment for execution:

  • "Officially supported variations" of Kuberenets cluster should be supported via options in the config file, like e.g. to the choice between kube-dns and coredns
  • If the user chooses to go with phases and builds a "custom variation", it should get the tools/phases for making also join/upgrade workflows working, but combining/skipping those tools should be under his responsibility, because IMO it is practically impossible to have a reliable CI signal for the almost infinite number of combinations of phases.

Having the ability to skip kube-proxy re-installing during an upgrade is required. I am using kube-router to manage my services and network policies. When running a kubeadm upgrade once kube-proxy is reinstalled the cluster is unusable until a kube-proxy --cleanup is ran. This leads to downtime of services running on the cluster.

Let's discuss during the next call.
I do think we should allow folks to skip but the SLO's from kubeadm side are gone then b/c of the permutations.


There is a hackish workaround for kube-router users:

Create a kube-proxy daemonset and use nodeAffinity to ensure it cannot be scheduled on any node:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
 name: kube-proxy
 namespace: kube-system
   k8s-app: kube-proxy
   purpose: upgrade-placeholder
 minReadySeconds: 10
 revisionHistoryLimit: 1
   type: RollingUpdate
     k8s-app: kube-proxy
     purpose: upgrade-placeholder
       k8s-app: kube-proxy
       purpose: upgrade-placeholder
           - matchExpressions:
             - key: kube-proxy
               operator: In
               - CantSchedule
     - name: kube-proxy
       image: busybox:1.30
       - "/bin/sleep"
       - "300"
           cpu: 10m
           memory: 10Mi

During the upgrade of the first Kubernetes master node, it will fail on the final post-upgrade task in which the kube-proxy daemonset is updated with this error:
[upgrade/postupgrade] FATAL post-upgrade error: unable to update daemonset: DaemonSet.apps "kube-proxy" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"k8s-app":"kube-proxy"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable

If you are using automation to perform the upgrade, it will need to cope with this error.

Upgrading additional Kubernetes master nodes with kubeadm upgrade node experimental-control-plane requires that the kube-proxy ConfigMap exist to avoid errors:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: kube-proxy
  namespace: kube-system
    app: kube-proxy
  config.conf: |-
    apiVersion: kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
      acceptContentTypes: ""
      burst: 10
      contentType: application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf
      kubeconfig: /var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig.conf
      qps: 5
    configSyncPeriod: 15m0s
      max: null
      maxPerCore: 32768
      min: 131072
      tcpCloseWaitTimeout: 1h0m0s
      tcpEstablishedTimeout: 24h0m0s
    enableProfiling: false
    hostnameOverride: ""
      masqueradeAll: false
      masqueradeBit: 14
      minSyncPeriod: 0s
      syncPeriod: 30s
      excludeCIDRs: null
      minSyncPeriod: 0s
      scheduler: ""
      syncPeriod: 30s
    mode: ""
    nodePortAddresses: null
    oomScoreAdj: -999
    portRange: ""
    resourceContainer: /kube-proxy
    udpIdleTimeout: 250ms
  kubeconfig.conf: |-
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Config
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
        server: "https://URL-of-KUBEMASTERS"
      name: default
    - context:
        cluster: default
        namespace: default
        user: default
      name: default
    current-context: default
    - name: default
        tokenFile: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token

We should promote upgrade to phase to allow the --skip-phases flag.

it's a matter of bandwidth for the release cycle and who can work on it.
currently we are fixing some aspects of upgrades related to certs renewal, so it might be a better idea to leave it for the next cycle so that we don't have conflicting PRs.
cc @fabriziopandini for an opinion.

I'll work on reset phases this week, probably I'll be able to work on reset phase next week.

Current plan is to re-evaluate execution of this item in the 1.16 timeframe.

Maybe another use case for upgrade phases with immutable infrastructure to consider: #1511 (comment)

Rif #1658, we should ensure that kubeadm-upgrade phases should allow atomic upgrade of etcd

given the kubeadm upgrade apply phases probably need a KEP and given the deadline for KEPs for 1.16 has passed, punting to 1.17.

We need to reevaluate for 1.17 and get things going here. The proper fix of #1756 depends on this.

@neolit123 @rosti
here is the initial document i'm working on. will continue to work on it. I will at some point try to draw a dependency graph out for each phase.


please feel free to update the document as you need/want.

thanks @Klaven i will have a look.
we should probably comment on the doc and get agreement / voting on the phase separation during a kubeadm office hours.

shifted the milestone to 1.18.

yes. sorry this did not make 1.17, was not a lot of time. sorry. I have started work on it though and should see PR's for it soon.

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How comes a simple issue like this can not be solved for more then like 2 years?
The proposals in this doc make sense, not?

kube-proxy is a addon. If I don't want it I should be able to specify that in a config file.
Problem solved. Why is it so complicated to get this done?

it was scheduled for 1.18, but i assume @Klaven who signed up to help with this ran out of bandwidth.

the phase implementation itself is fairly straight forward, unfortunately the upgrade apply command has a lot of technical depth that had to be resolved first.

kube-proxy is a addon. If I don't want it I should be able to specify that in a config file.
Problem solved. Why is it so complicated to get this done?

the optional kube-proxy installation cannot be part of the kubeadm config as long-term the kubeadm config should not know about the kube-proxy addon. this forced us to delegate the optional upgrade of kube-proxy to phases.

@asteven If you need a simple fix I put the following into my kubeadm config

apiVersion: kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
  kubeconfig: invalid-kubeconfig.conf

This makes kube-proxy crash and not actually mess with anything. So a simple delete of the daemonset is all that is needed after an upgrade.

It's not pretty but it's worked for me.

it was scheduled for 1.18, but i assume @Klaven who signed up to help with this ran out of bandwidth.

the phase implementation itself is fairly straight forward, unfortunately the upgrade apply command has a lot of technical depth that had to be resolved first.

kube-proxy is a addon. If I don't want it I should be able to specify that in a config file.
Problem solved. Why is it so complicated to get this done?

the optional kube-proxy installation cannot be part of the kubeadm config as long-term the kubeadm config should not know about the kube-proxy addon. this forced us to delegate the optional upgrade of kube-proxy to phases.

Not sure why kubeadm should not be allowed to know about kube-proxy. If it installed it during kubeadm init, then kubeadm upgrade should be able to take what init did and use that as the base to decide what 'upgrade' means. Not? Either this or kubeadm upgrade has to inspect what's there and only upgrade that. Anything else seems to be fundamentally broken.

Isn't this the same pattern that most things in kubernetes work with? Why not kubeadm?

@asteven If you need a simple fix I put the following into my kubeadm config

apiVersion: kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
  kubeconfig: invalid-kubeconfig.conf

This makes kube-proxy crash and not actually mess with anything. So a simple delete of the daemonset is all that is needed after an upgrade.

It's not pretty but it's worked for me.

Thanks, will try this.

Not sure why kubeadm should not be allowed to know about kube-proxy. If it installed it during kubeadm init, then kubeadm upgrade should be able to take what init did and use that as the base to decide what 'upgrade' means. Not?

with some of the changes around CNI implementing their own proxy, kube-proxy one day might not be deployed by default by kubeadm. it is not desired to add a related field for that as part of the API if the API has to later change.

for phases we have more flexibility.

Either this or kubeadm upgrade has to inspect what's there and only upgrade that. Anything else seems to be fundamentally broken.

this was proposed, but rejected as the upgrade apply phase solution would have explicitly allowed the user to skip the re-deployment of kube-proxy on upgrade.

@neolit123 Thanks for taking the time to answer.
I think now I understand why it's taking so long ;-)
I have my workaround, moving on with that.

this was proposed, but rejected as the upgrade apply phase solution would have explicitly allowed the user to skip the re-deployment of kube-proxy on upgrade.

PR for that:

because we don't know when the phases will come around, this will be added to 1.19.0, but cannot be backported..

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Hi @neolit123, I would like to try out this issue.
Reading through the comments, the final goals and deliverables for this are quite evident. I would like to ask about the current status of its implementation. I mean, is there some existing work that I need to follow up or it still needs to be worked on from ground zero?

I've also applied to LFX mentorship on this project and hope to get selected. In that, do we need a POC roughly based on the design doc or we can jump on the development directly?

hi @supra08 i have added more details under SUMMARY: in the issue description here.

Thanks, that clarifies!

In case anyone needs a workaround for skipping CoreDNS installation during k8s upgrade, here is what has worked for me:

  1. Make sure that your non-kubeadm deployed CoreDNS does NOT use a default configmap named coredns.
  2. Delete the configmap named coredns prior to running k8s upgrade.
  3. Ignore CoreDNS preflight warnings during k8s upgrade by using --ignore-preflight-errors=CoreDNSUnsupportedPlugins,CoreDNSMigration command line flag.


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Adding --skip-phases for kubeadm upgrade apply would be a feature request.



kubeadm upgrade apply unsupport --skip-phases option, when upgraded the installing without kube-proxy

# ks get nodes
NAME              STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
deb-k8s-main-01   Ready    control-plane,master   30d   v1.23.6
deb-k8s-node-01   Ready    <none>                 27d   v1.23.5
deb-k8s-node-02   Ready    <none>                 27d   v1.23.5

# kubeadm upgrade apply v1.23.6 --skip-phases=addon/kube-proxy --v=5
unknown flag: --skip-phases
To see the stack trace of this error execute with --v=5 or higher

The only thing I'm aware that's implemented from this ticket is that you can delete the coredns or kube-proxy configmap(s) and kubeadm will only complain a bit during upgrade, but not re-create them any more since about half a dozen versions. Making it intentional/explicit to kubeadm ("Hey, just skip this, I know what I'm doing!") is still not implemented.

@pacoxu I was just wondering if you continue to improve this PR kubernetes/kubernetes#108767 ? Is there anything else that I can do to help?

@pacoxu I was just wondering if you continue to improve this PR kubernetes/kubernetes#108767 ? Is there anything else that I can do to help?

I may pick this up if I have time in v1.28.