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Unable to configure disruption controls for karpenter

clayrisser opened this issue · comments

I am unable to figure out how to add a disruption consolidationPolicy and expireAfter in my karpenter node pools for kops. Where do I configure this?

The karpenter docs discuss this here.


I'm not even able to see a CRD for karpenter NodePools, so I'm guessing kops has another way of managing the disruption controls?

    consolidationPolicy: WhenUnderutilized
    expireAfter: 720h # 30 * 24h = 720h

From what I can tell right now, kOps installs karpenter version 0.31.3 by default which didn't support the nodePools concept yet, according to what I'm seeing in the docs (I hope I'm not wrong there), ref:

if c.Image == "" {
c.Image = "public.ecr.aws/karpenter/controller:v0.31.3"
This brings me to believe that it's not supported in kOps right now, and thus, we might need to put in some effort to add this.

I don't mind taking a stab at this one, wdyt @hakman @rifelpet @olemarkus ?

I don't mind taking a stab at this one, wdyt @hakman @rifelpet @olemarkus ?

My impression is that, if we want to move Karpenter support to a newer version, we would need to move from providing the LaunchTemplates to doing everything via Karpenter objects.

{{ range $name, $spec := GetNodeInstanceGroups }}
{{ if eq $spec.Manager "Karpenter" }}
apiVersion: karpenter.k8s.aws/v1alpha1
kind: AWSNodeTemplate
name: {{ $name }}
kops.k8s.io/instance-group/{{ $name }}: "*"
kubernetes.io/cluster/{{ ClusterName }}: "*"
launchTemplate: {{ $name }}.{{ ClusterName }}
apiVersion: karpenter.sh/v1alpha5
kind: Provisioner
name: {{ $name }}
enabled: true
{{ with $spec.Kubelet }}
{{ if or .MaxPods .SystemReserved .KubeReserved }}
{{ if .MaxPods }}
maxPods: {{ .MaxPods }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .SystemReserved }}
{{ range $key, $val := .SystemReserved}}
{{ $key }}: "{{ $val }}"
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .KubeReserved }}
{{ range $key, $val := .KubeReserved}}
{{ $key }}: "{{ $val }}"
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
- key: karpenter.sh/capacity-type
operator: In
values: ["spot", "on-demand"]
- key: kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
values: ["{{ ArchitectureOfAMI $spec.Image }}"]
- key: "node.kubernetes.io/instance-type"
operator: In
{{ range $type := KarpenterInstanceTypes $spec }}
- {{ $type }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $spec.Taints }}
{{ range $taintString := $spec.Taints }}
{{ $taint := ParseTaint $taintString }}
- key: {{ $taint.key }}
effect: {{ $taint.effect }}
{{ if $taint.value }}
value: "{{ $taint.value }}"
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $.ExternalCloudControllerManager }}
- key: node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized
effect: NoSchedule
{{ end }}
{{ with $spec.NodeLabels }}
{{ range $key, $value := . }}
{{ $key }}: "{{ $value }}"
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
name: {{ $name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

My impression is that, if we want to move Karpenter support to a newer version, we would need to move from providing the LaunchTemplates to doing everything via Karpenter objects.

Yeah, that makes sense to me.
So, would that be (theoretically) a somewhat similar process to any other cloudup add-on such as aws-cni, in which we'll update the template (and potentially supporting resources such as template functions etc.) according to the vendor chart?

Yes. The good part is that we have a Karpenter e2e test, so should be easy to test via WIP PR.

Sounds good! I'll give that a try. Thanks!


From my understanding it's unlikely possible but doesn't hurt to ask if there is any workaround for getting upstream Karpenter to manage current kOps's release InstanceGroups?