kubernetes / committee-security-response

Kubernetes Security Process and Security Committee docs

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SECURITY_CONTACTS contact information

tallclair opened this issue · comments

SECURITY_CONTACTS files currently use github user names, but github doesn't have private messaging, and users don't always have public email addresses.

We need a better solution, so that the PSC is able to reach out to the security contacts through a private channel. A few ideas include:

  1. deprecate SECURITY_CONTACTS, and adopt github's new security advisory functionality
  2. maintain a private contact information database for security contacts (bleh)
  3. Just require email addresses in addition to github user IDs


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In response to this:

SECURITY_CONTACTS files currently use github user names, but github doesn't have private messaging, and users don't always have public email addresses.

We need a better solution, so that the PSC is able to reach out to the security contacts through a private channel. A few ideas include:

  1. deprecate SECURITY_CONTACTS, and adopt github's new security advisory functionality
  2. maintain a private contact information database for security contacts (bleh)
  3. Just require email addresses in addition to github user IDs


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Updated proposal:

  1. Migrate SECURITY_CONTACTS to SECURITY.md, with a templated security policy
  2. Security policy should include the security contacts, with both github user ID, email ID, and slack ID (email/slack optional, email strongly encouraged)

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+1 #56 (comment)
What blocks us from moving on this?

@BenTheElder Nothing (just someone to do the work), except for the concerns raised in the discussion thread about confusing the intent of security contacts.

xref: kubernetes/kubernetes-template-project#35


@tallclair @joelsmith @BenTheElder

I circled back on this today and have created an example PR into my own fork of what the proposed changes could look like. I made a small script (replaced) which generates the content for the new security_contacts field, and also made a PR to update the OWNERS spec.

Some thoughts I had while making this:

  • Is it okay from a privacy perspective to add email addresses to OWNERS? I applied some minor obfuscation, but not sure if this is enough
  • Not 100% sure including all approvers by default in security_contacts is the right move, however not doing this leaves security_contacts pretty bare for some components
  • In future, we could perhaps add a slack field, but I left this out for now

Any/all feedback is very welcome. If this approach makes sense, then the next step would be to open PRs for all OWNERS in the kubernetes org. Given the size (and noise!) of that task I thought it best to start with an example for review. Thanks!

Thanks for picking this up Sam! I think we should not automatically copy the approvers into security contacts. I'd prefer it to be an explicit add, and we (PSC) can just escalate to the approvers if there aren't any security_contacts. Once the changes go in, I think it would be worth sending out a call to action to kubernetes-dev for maintainers to review their security_contacts.

re: emails - as much as it would be nice for us to have easy access to emails, I think it needs to be an explicit opt-in. We can encourage people to add an email in the call-to-action. Maybe it would be worth giving a slack option too?




Thanks for feedback @tallclair !

I've taken out the auto-inclusion of github profile email addresses and added a slack key. Values for all email and slack will be null initially, but I will leave them in by default to encourage their use.

I've updated the demo PR and spec update, and made a revised version of the script


Removed the slack field from the proposal due to slack usernames not being unique across the kubernetes.slack.com. More info in kubernetes/community/pull/5398

slack has user _id_s that are unique however, xref: kubernetes/community#2349

click on a user, click "view full profile", under the profile click "more ..." then "copy member ID"

our moderation reporting robot uses IDs.


@BenTheElder Right, that was mentioned in the kubernetes/community PR. My concern was that even if the spec declares that slack _id_s should be used, there doesn't seem to be a way to enforce that, i.e. users would likely still add their usernames, which adds the risk of mistaken identity.

The issue you've linked above is interesting. I've wondered if it's the wrong approach to be adding extra fields like email and slack only under security_contacts. Those extra fields are probably generally useful for other entries in OWNERS, not just security_contacts. Using a tool like the one proposed in kubernetes/community#2349 would also provide some contact infoimmediately, rather than relying on individual persons to add their own contact info to OWNERS at some point in the future.

I guess I'm saying that I like the idea simplifying security_contacts in OWNERs down to only github username, consistent with approvers, reviewers etc, and use a tool like the one proposed in kubernetes/community#2349 to retrieve email and slack ID. The Kube PSC could use such a tool when they need to reach out a security_contact for a security issue. There will be users who won't have contact info that's easily retrievable, but I think it's that likely those same users would be reluctant to add their contact info to an OWNERS file.

@tallclair wdyt?

My concern was that even if the spec declares that slack _id_s should be used, there doesn't seem to be a way to enforce that, i.e. users would likely still add their usernames, which adds the risk of mistaken identity.

Actually we already enforce other forms of validity in these files and the form of slack user IDs is well-known.


but I think it's that likely those same users would be reluctant to add their contact info to an OWNERS file.

I don't think we should allow security contacts that don't provide a contact method. I also don't think kubernetes/community#2349 is going to happen, but it's relatively straight forward to require a user ID and we can validate the correct format.

If the intent is to have private space to communicate with SRC, would it be simpler to update the SECURITY_CONTACTS file with the following:

# Defined below are the security contacts for this repo.
# They are the contact point for the Product Security Committee to reach out
# to for triaging and handling of incoming issues.
# The below names agree to abide by the
# [Embargo Policy](https://git.k8s.io/security/private-distributors-list.md#embargo-policy)
# and will be removed and replaced if they violate that agreement.
# INSTRUCTIONS AT https://kubernetes.io/security/

mailing_list: <sub-project-name>-security@kubernetes.io
- bob
- alice

For all new sub-projects, we could add a step to create a private group like this before the repo is created.

For existing sub-projects, we can auto-create that group in bulk and open an automated PR to update their SECURITY_CONTACTS with this group and also ask sub-project maintainers, as part of that PR to add any relevant members (maintainers) to it.


The last round of PRs for this task languished due to my own neglect.

@tallclair suggested a more simple approach of:

  1. Add a security_contacts field to OWNERS with just the github handle, and migrate the existing SECURITY_CONTACTS files over.
  2. Adding in additional contact information

This does seem a more conservative approach, and hopefully less controversial.

To that end I created a new issue, as the comment history on the old issues is quite long and noisy:


@PushkarJ I think your proposal has some merit and could fit in step 2. However, I believe the consolidation of OWNERS and SECURITY_CONTACTS is the higher priority part for the SRC.