kubernetes / cloud-provider-openstack

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[RFE] Manila: add snapshot support

tsmetana opened this issue · comments

/kind feature

The Manila provisioner does not offer an API to take snapshot of the volume. This is quilte an essential feature of the storage subsystem.

Please implement API that would allow to take a snapshot of a Manila provisioned volume and enable to create a new volume from the snapshot. There is no standard defined in the core Kubernetes API however the CSI standard specifies API for volume snapshots.

Depending on the status of the issue #394 it might make sense to wait for the Manila CSI to land.

I'm opening this ticket because I would like to propose the implementation of this feature as a GSoC project.

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This is going to take some time to implement however the RFE is still valid.

For the record: The RFE is being resolved by the PR #652

The feature has been successfully implemented. Closing the issue.