kubernetes-sigs / kustomize

Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations

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NamespaceTransformer seems to interfere with nameReference configuration

timothy-spencer opened this issue · comments

What happened?

I am trying to configure some kuma mesh stuff with kustomize. I need to be able to add prefixes to all the names of things, and thus, I wrote a nameReference config to make sure that the mesh name can be transformed everywhere, including a label that is set in the MeshMetric resource. That works fine.

Then I had to make it so that the MeshMetric resource would live in the kuma namespace instead of the namespace that I had set with namespace: name in kustomization.yaml. I did this by only setting the namespace in that resource, and then using the NamespaceTransformer with unsetOnly: true, and removing namespace: name from kustomization.yaml.

The namespaces now work, but somehow the nameReference does not. The label with the mesh name that is supposed to be renamed does not get renamed.

What did you expect to happen?

I expect nameReference configuration to still work when I add a NamespaceTransformer to kustomization.yaml.

In my example, I expect the kuma.io/mesh label in the MeshMetric resource to be set to foo-test instead of test.

How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?

# kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization

#namespace: bar
namePrefix: foo-

  - resources.yaml

  - config.yaml

  - |-
    apiVersion: builtin
    kind: NamespaceTransformer
      name: notImportantHere
      namespace: bar
    unsetOnly: true
# resources.yaml
apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: Mesh
  name: test
  stuff: true

apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: MeshMetric
  name: test-metrics
  namespace: kuma
    kuma.io/mesh: test
  moreStuff: true
# config.yaml
- kind: Mesh
  version: v1alpha1
  - path: metadata/labels/kuma.io\/mesh
    kind: MeshMetric

Expected output

apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: Mesh
  name: foo-test
  namespace: bar
  stuff: true
apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: MeshMetric
    kuma.io/mesh: foo-test
  name: foo-test-metrics
  namespace: kuma
  moreStuff: true

Actual output

apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: Mesh
  name: foo-test
  namespace: bar
  stuff: true
apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: MeshMetric
    kuma.io/mesh: test
  name: foo-test-metrics
  namespace: kuma
  moreStuff: true

Kustomize version


Operating system


BTW, this also seems to happen when I try using a PatchTransformer. I tried doing this:

namespace: bar

- |-
  apiVersion: builtin
  kind: PatchTransformer
    name: fix-kuma-namespace
  patch: '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/metadata/namespace", "value": "kuma"}]'
    group: kuma.io
    version: v1alpha1
    kind: MeshMetric

And if you comment out the transformer, the namespace is wrong, but the label is proper, and if you uncomment the transformer, the label is wrong, and the namespace is correct:

laptop /tmp/t% kustomize build . > output.yaml && diff correct.yaml output.yaml
<   namespace: kuma
>   namespace: bar
laptop /tmp/t% kustomize build . > output.yaml && diff correct.yaml output.yaml
<     kuma.io/mesh: foo-test
>     kuma.io/mesh: test
laptop /tmp/t% 

If I had to choose, I'd prefer the solution that uses unsetOnly, because then I can set namespaces where I need them to be in the base yaml, and just have the namespaced stuff live in it's namespace. But I thought you might be interested in knowing that just enabling a transformer of multiple types causes nameReference transforms to stop working.

@timothy-spencer there is definitely a bug here. I can reproduce the behaviour you're seeing on latest HEAD. I could not, however, reproduce the working behaviour you described without specifying a namespace: bar field in the kustomization.yaml. Could you please clarify the scenario where no transformer configurations are set, but the backreference works as expected?

/triage accepted
/lifecycle frozen

If I understand your request, my first step was to take resources.yaml and config.yaml from above, and use this kustomization.yaml:

# kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization

namespace: bar
namePrefix: foo-

  - resources.yaml

  - config.yaml

This made it so that the namespace got splatted onto all resources, including the ones that I needed to live in the kuma namespace. Thus, my commentingnamespace: bar out as I showed in my original kustomization.yaml, and trying to use the transformer with unsetOnly: true to fix that. But that's when I noticed the metadata/labels/kuma.io\/mesh value reverting back to test instead of foo-test.

Does that answer your question?

Does that answer your question?

Hi there, @timothy-spencer!

It does, yes. Thanks for clarifying. I also noticed this strange behaviour during my tests and just wanted to confirm that what I was able to reproduce was in fact the issue you reported.

Yay! Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help out with this, and thank you for helping this product become even better! :-)