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consider using krew-release-bot for publishing to krew

rajatjindal opened this issue · comments

Hi @mhausenblas ,

I have created krew-release-bot to auto publish new plugin releases to krew-index repo.

If its ok with you, I can open a PR to start using that for auto publishing the releases

Many thanks for considering.
Rajat Jindal

That would be very appreciated and a super valuable improvement, yes please @rajatjindal!

So that's done now, right? Wanna cut a new release?

Sure i will do that as soon as i am close to laptop. Many thanks for merging

Super, super! Thank you for all the hard work and I can't wait :)

Awesome work @rajatjindal, just saw the release! Now, should the PR on the index be created automatically or what are the next steps? Also, I think we can close this issue, or?

Aha! Gotcha, thanks, that makes sense, yes. Looking forward to it :)

ok, finally a successful run.

This is the PR: kubernetes-sigs/krew-index#490 (and the auto-merge bot from Ahmet merged the PR automatically too if its just a version bump).

Thanks for your patience