ktr0731 / evans

Evans: more expressive universal gRPC client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

/etc/resolver is not respected on MacOS

Smirl opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Until recently, /etc/resolver/ was not respected by golang's built in DNS resolver. (background on custom resolvers)

This was recently fixed in golang 1.20. See golang/go#12524

To reproduce

  1. Create a file in /etc/resolver/myhost.com with content (can change the ip address to your custom DNS, etc):
  1. Run evans --host myhost.com -r cli list
  2. See that it doesn't use the custom DNS server (NXDOMAIN if the DNS resolver is required, for example).

Expected behavior

evans binaries distributed by the standard methods (brew, etc.) are built with CGO_ENABLED=0. They should respect the /etc/resolver DNS settings.


  • OS: MacOS only
  • Terminal: zsh
  • Evans version: v0.10.9
  • protoc version: N/A
  • protoc plugin version (if you are using): N/A

Additional context

I will raise a PR to:

  • upgrade to golang 1.20
  • run a go mod tidy for good measure
  • Shouldn't be an issue for most users as it doesn't matter what version of go is used to compile the binary