ktquez / vue-disqus

Integrate Disqus count and comments in your application Vue 3, with support for SPA

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HTTP 500 issue

matthew-inamdar opened this issue · comments

Hey there!

I've not used Disqus before so forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.

I've placed this component on the blog post pages on a site and it seems to be loading and working fine. However in the console we are getting 2 errors for this URL (replaced some parameters with xxx for confidentiality):


They seem to be linked:
• 404
• xxx has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

I've already added the domain (staging.lessons4less.co.uk) to the "Trusted Domains" for the site settings.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Update 1:

It seems like the CORS issue is linked to the 404.

The server seems to respond with a 404 before being able to set the CORS headers. So the CORS issue can potentially be ignored.

It seems the issue is primarily the 404!

Update 2:

Without making any code changes, I'm now getting a HTTP 500 error instead of a 404. This has caused the CORS issue to disappear, confirming my suspicions in update 1. Any idea why https://links.services.disqus.com/api/ping would give me a 500?

I'm now starting to wonder if this issue is on the Disqus side?

I have the same problem

Updated original issue!

Added further update the original issue!

Fixed the issue! It's on the Disqus side. See this comment for the fix: http://disq.us/p/15grc6q