ktoso / akka-raft

A toy project implementing RAFT on top of Akka Cluster (not prod ready)

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Optimisation: Candidate can possibly retry on request vote if request delivered on lower currentTerm

ktoso opened this issue · comments


        case Event(msg: RequestVote, m: ElectionMeta) if msg.term > m.currentTerm =>
            log.info("Received newer {}. Current term is {}. Revert to follower state.", msg.term, m.currentTerm)

as @colin-scott mentioned, perhaps could be improved to try again after becoming:

perhaps you should forward the RequestVote message instead of dropping it?


m.clusterSelf forward msg
goto(Follower) using m.forFollower(msg.term)

This optimization can be applied in a bunch of places. Basically, whenever any nodes receives a message that has a higher term, it should forward that message to itself before transitioning to a new term.