ktorio / ktor-init-tools

ktor project generator web page and IDEA plugin

Home Page:https://start.ktor.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generator does not follow typical project structure.

ThanosFisherman opened this issue · comments

Both http://start.ktor.io/ and IntelliJ plugin generators do not adhere to the typical Gradle project structure e.g

ktor-app/src/(main, test)/(kotlin, resources)

Rather I see a somewhat unfamiliar layout where the resources directory is located at the root of the project and there is also no main and test directories inside the src folder.

Why this design choice? Could you please include a checkbox for those who need (prefer) the typical default directory structure?

Agreed with @ThanosFisherman, really confusing, especially if you have gradle multi project structure with different modules, generated for different frameworks, e.g. spring.

I just noticed there is this duplicate issue #3 from 2018 but still no reply from Ktor devs :(